Hasmik Poghosyan Appointed Minister of Culture

May 22, 2006 - 20:31 AMT  12:22 GMT
By RA President's decree Gevorg Gevorgyan was removed from the post.
Referendum in Montenergo: New State to Appear in Europe

Referendum in Montenergo: New State to Appear in Europe

May 22, 2006 - 20:26 AMT  12:22 GMT
55.4% of voters had voted to secede from Serbia.

Baku Insists on Stepwise Settlement of Karabakh Conflict

May 22, 2006 - 20:06 AMT  12:22 GMT
Elmar Mammadyarov: no one can force Azerbaijan to a compromise not meeting the interests of the republic.
Anne Derse Stops Short of Destruction of Armenian Cemetery in Nakhichevan

Anne Derse Stops Short of Destruction of Armenian Cemetery in Nakhichevan

May 22, 2006 - 19:20 AMT  12:22 GMT
Derse noted that the Department of State is "urging the relevant Azerbaijani authorities to investigate the allegations of desecration of cultural monuments in Nakhichevan and take appropriate measures to prevent any desecration of cultural monuments.
Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff Arriving in Yerevan May 24

Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff Arriving in Yerevan May 24

May 22, 2006 - 18:38 AMT  12:22 GMT
A number of agreements will be signed between the Armenian and Ukrainian Armed Forces upon the outcomes of the visit.
One Record Box of A-320 Withdrawn from Black Sea Bed

One Record Box of A-320 Withdrawn from Black Sea Bed

May 22, 2006 - 18:29 AMT  12:22 GMT
One of the record boxes of the A-320 jet was found and taken out of the water. The search for the second record box is going on.
Robert Simmons Gave High Estimate to Armenia-NATO IPAP

Robert Simmons Gave High Estimate to Armenia-NATO IPAP

May 22, 2006 - 18:20 AMT  12:22 GMT
The cooperation with NATO and participation in the IPAP and Partnership for Peace program is one of the most important constituents of the Armenian security system.
House Subcommittee Maintains Military Aid Parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan

House Subcommittee Maintains Military Aid Parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan

May 22, 2006 - 17:40 AMT  12:22 GMT
The Subcommittee also rejected efforts by Azerbaijan's lobbyists to weaken Section 907 restrictions.
Armenian and Azeri President May Meet in Bucharest

Armenian and Azeri President May Meet in Bucharest

May 22, 2006 - 17:30 AMT  12:22 GMT
"It's premature to speak of anything precise yet," RA President's Spokesman considers.
Armenian Singer Andre Ranks 8 in Eurovision 2006

Armenian Singer Andre Ranks 8 in Eurovision 2006

May 22, 2006 - 17:27 AMT  12:22 GMT
Andre garnered 129 points in sum.