Pentagon prepares for possible war with Russia

Pentagon prepares for possible war with Russia

February 8, 2007 - 19:07 AMT  00:28 GMT
Robert Gates: American armed forces must be ready for a large-scale war.
CNN and Euronews to broadcast trailers about Armenia

CNN and Euronews to broadcast trailers about Armenia

February 8, 2007 - 18:40 AMT  00:28 GMT
The trailers aim to break negative stereotypes in perception of the country, as well as they will form Armenia's image as a rapidly developing, civilized and one of the most secure countries in the world.
U.S. State Department: Turkey understands Congress is independent branch

U.S. State Department: Turkey understands Congress is independent branch

February 8, 2007 - 18:09 AMT  00:28 GMT
"We understand the sensitivities in Turkey over the events at the beginning of 20th century," stated Sean McCormack.
Pre-electoral situation in Armenian cannot somehow hold up talks over Karabakh

Pre-electoral situation in Armenian cannot somehow hold up talks over Karabakh

February 8, 2007 - 17:33 AMT  00:28 GMT
Goran Lennmarker is in favor of intensive continuation of negotiation process.
Breaking military aid parity will create real threat for Armenia

Breaking military aid parity will create real threat for Armenia

February 8, 2007 - 16:34 AMT  00:28 GMT
Arpi Vartanian: The issue of cutting financial aid budged to Armenia has no connection with resolution on the Armenian Genocide and "Millenium Challenges" program.
Some changes noticed in American Jewish Lobby stance on Armenian Genocide issue

Some changes noticed in American Jewish Lobby stance on Armenian Genocide issue

February 8, 2007 - 16:28 AMT  00:28 GMT
Arpi Vartanian: Turkey has already approximately calculated that the 106th resolution can be adopted and has doubled its efforts in this direction.
Nancy Pelosi rejected request for meeting with Gul

Nancy Pelosi rejected request for meeting with Gul

February 8, 2007 - 16:21 AMT  00:28 GMT
The meeting did not take place since U.S. Congress Speaker was short of time.
Armenia must rehabilitate Kars-Gyumry railway

Armenia must rehabilitate Kars-Gyumry railway

February 8, 2007 - 16:18 AMT  00:28 GMT
"Armenia must be active in preventing the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway project, because its functioning will lead to Armenia's full isolation," says Arpi Vartanian.
AAA: George Bush not to nominate ambassador to Armenia bypassing Senate's confirmation

AAA: George Bush not to nominate ambassador to Armenia bypassing Senate's confirmation

February 8, 2007 - 16:05 AMT  00:28 GMT
Arpi Vartanian: Ambassador's absence in Yerevan badly reflects on Armenian-American relations, moreover the Armenian government has already agreed to Richard Hoagland's nomination.
Currently Armenian Genocide issue too politicized

Currently Armenian Genocide issue too politicized

February 8, 2007 - 15:40 AMT  00:28 GMT
"U.S. people could be unaware of the Armenian Genocide, but Hrant Dink's assassination learnt everyone. I strongly believe his death was not in vain," says the AAA Regional Director.