Year of Armenia in France helps French community to better recognize Armenian nation

Year of Armenia in France helps French community to better recognize Armenian nation

February 24, 2007 - 17:25 AMT  07:56 GMT
Vartan Oskanian met with French Minister-Delegate for Regional Development Christian Estrosi.
Priorities of French foreign policy do not depend on change of president

Priorities of French foreign policy do not depend on change of president

February 24, 2007 - 16:56 AMT  07:56 GMT
French Minister-Delegate for Regional Development supports candidacy of Nicola Sarkozy.
French Minister: I have special attitude towards Armenia and Armenians

French Minister: I have special attitude towards Armenia and Armenians

February 24, 2007 - 16:47 AMT  07:56 GMT
"Armenia and France have much in common, and first of all our cultures are very much alike," Christian Estrosi said.
France must help Armenia in reformation of economy

France must help Armenia in reformation of economy

February 24, 2007 - 16:36 AMT  07:56 GMT
Christian Estrosi: There are rather large cooperation programs between Armenia and France in spheres of economy and ecology.
Diaspora must be a support for Armenia on difficult way of development

Diaspora must be a support for Armenia on difficult way of development

February 24, 2007 - 15:27 AMT  07:56 GMT
A summit titled "Armenia's development. The students' role" was held in Colombia University of New York February 3-4 with participation of Armenian students.
Azeris join in opposing to Armenian Genocide resolution adoption

Azeris join in opposing to Armenian Genocide resolution adoption

February 24, 2007 - 15:02 AMT  07:56 GMT
Azeris in the U.S.A. call upon congressmen to vote against the Armenian Genocide resolution.
A protest action against 301st article took place in Turkey

A protest action against 301st article took place in Turkey

February 24, 2007 - 14:23 AMT  07:56 GMT
Members of "Strong Turkey" party are planning to sound Orhan Pamuk's and Hrant Dink's the same statements, that according to the 301st article, were qualified as "insulting Turkishness".
Azeris and Turks coordinated anti-Armenian joint activities

Azeris and Turks coordinated anti-Armenian joint activities

February 24, 2007 - 14:10 AMT  07:56 GMT
Armenian issue will be discussed at the ATIB (Association of Businessmen of Azerbaijan-Turkey) Coordination Council session.
Armenia is interested in France's experience of regional development sphere

Armenia is interested in France's experience of regional development sphere

February 24, 2007 - 13:38 AMT  07:56 GMT
Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with French Minister-Delegate for Regional Development Christian Estrosi.
Robert Kocharian: Armenian economy open for all

Robert Kocharian: Armenian economy open for all

February 24, 2007 - 13:15 AMT  07:56 GMT
It would be unreasonable to limit participation of Russian capital in Armenia, Armenian President stated.