Orhan Pamuk does not want to build bridges between East and West

Orhan Pamuk does not want to build bridges between East and West

May 3, 2007 - 20:42 AMT  14:14 GMT
"It is not my task to explain Europeans Turkey and Turks Europe," the Nobel Prize winner says.
Mass fight in Moscow: Banner of Nagorno Karabakh served as signal for Azeris to attack

Mass fight in Moscow: Banner of Nagorno Karabakh served as signal for Azeris to attack

May 3, 2007 - 17:34 AMT  14:14 GMT
Actually a planned political provocation with a political target is hidden behind this hooliganism.
Russian government to assign 2.2 million rubles for observation mission in Armenia

Russian government to assign 2.2 million rubles for observation mission in Armenia

May 3, 2007 - 17:23 AMT  14:14 GMT
Premier Mikhail Fradkov signed the corresponding order.
Legal process on Hrant Dink's assassination launched in Istanbul

Legal process on Hrant Dink's assassination launched in Istanbul

May 3, 2007 - 16:45 AMT  14:14 GMT
Fethiye Cetin: A legal process is considered to be launched from the moment when the indictment is accepted, now this process has already been launched.
President Bush's veto on bill of withdrawing American forces from Iraq in force

President Bush's veto on bill of withdrawing American forces from Iraq in force

May 3, 2007 - 15:57 AMT  14:14 GMT
By banning lawmakers to fix a timetable for withdrawing combat forces from Iraq, in fact President Bush "remained deaf to the will of American people".
Process of printing voting bulletins launched in Armenia

Process of printing voting bulletins launched in Armenia

May 3, 2007 - 15:38 AMT  14:14 GMT
The Central electoral Commission of Armenia decided to issue 2.38 million bulletins for proportional electoral system.
German FM considers Turkish presidential candidate Abdullah Gul a reliable partner

German FM considers Turkish presidential candidate Abdullah Gul a reliable partner

May 3, 2007 - 15:30 AMT  14:14 GMT
The Turkish Parliament approved the new schedule of presidential elections.
Congressmen refused to approve expanses for placing air defense system in Europe

Congressmen refused to approve expanses for placing air defense system in Europe

May 3, 2007 - 15:09 AMT  14:14 GMT
Discussions over expenses are not over yet and they can be approved by the full complement of U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.
Serbs of Kosovo say independence is not way out of current situation

Serbs of Kosovo say independence is not way out of current situation

May 3, 2007 - 14:49 AMT  14:14 GMT
The head of UN Security Council's mission reported for the tour to Belgrade and Pristina
A year passed since air disaster of Armenian A-320

A year passed since air disaster of Armenian A-320

May 3, 2007 - 14:29 AMT  14:14 GMT
On May 6 Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II will offer a service in St. Echmiadzin Cathedral in memory of the victims who died in the result of the air crush.