Opposition parties hold protests in

Opposition parties hold protests in "live queue" order

May 13, 2007 - 19:12 AMT  11:41 GMT
People's Party will wait for the "Impeachment" block to finish its protest on the "Liberty Square" and then will proceed with their own rally.

"Orinats Yerkir" to reach "revision of results of parliamentary elections via court"

May 13, 2007 - 18:56 AMT  11:41 GMT
The party launches a process of "challenging the results of voting in the court".
Opposition refused to sign final protocol of RA CEC on preliminary results of elections

Opposition refused to sign final protocol of RA CEC on preliminary results of elections

May 13, 2007 - 18:30 AMT  11:41 GMT
Representatives who refused to sign the protocol argued their stance by the statement that "on May 12, there were mass violations".
May 12 parliamentary election in Armenia was a step forward

May 12 parliamentary election in Armenia was a step forward

May 13, 2007 - 18:02 AMT  11:41 GMT
Tone Tingsgaard: These elections were a clear improvement and that is good for Armenian democracy.
Armenian authorities undertook serious steps for holding democratic elections

Armenian authorities undertook serious steps for holding democratic elections

May 13, 2007 - 17:38 AMT  11:41 GMT
Boris Frlec: The chief task of the Armenian authorities now is to restore trust of people, which was shaken during previous elections.
European Parliament records big progress in conducting elections in Armenia

European Parliament records big progress in conducting elections in Armenia

May 13, 2007 - 17:19 AMT  11:41 GMT
Marie-Anne Isler Béguin: We welcome efforts of the Armenian nation to reach fair and transparent elections and hope the progress will strengthen during presidential elections of 2008.
Parliamentary elections of Armenia: CEC finished count of votes

Parliamentary elections of Armenia: CEC finished count of votes

May 13, 2007 - 16:43 AMT  11:41 GMT
According to the results Republican Party of Armenia, "Prosperous Armenia" Party and ARF Dashnaktsutyun keep the lead.
For the first time ever OSCE called election in Armenia democratic

For the first time ever OSCE called election in Armenia democratic

May 13, 2007 - 16:04 AMT  11:41 GMT
Compared with previous elections, in principle the May 12 parliamentarian elections were held in accordance with international democratic standards.
Parliamentarian elections in Armenia: 5 parties overpassed 5-percent barrier

Parliamentarian elections in Armenia: 5 parties overpassed 5-percent barrier

May 13, 2007 - 14:45 AMT  11:41 GMT
Opposition parties "Orinats Yerkir" and "Heritage" are among parties, which overpassed the 5-percent barrier.

"Heritage" Party overpassed 5-percent barrier, party considers that result understated

May 13, 2007 - 14:32 AMT  11:41 GMT
"We hope to get a much higher result," party representatives stated.