Turkey going to build wall at border with Iraqi Kurdistan

Turkey going to build wall at border with Iraqi Kurdistan

September 8, 2007 - 16:08 AMT  00:25 GMT
The 470km "security wall" will cost $2.3 billion.
Turkish MP speaks of necessity of 1915 events recognition

Turkish MP speaks of necessity of 1915 events recognition

September 8, 2007 - 15:45 AMT  00:25 GMT
"We have committed a terrible massacre against Armenians and Turkey should acknowledge it," Mehmet Ufuk Uras said.
NKR President: international recognition of NKR is the most important task

NKR President: international recognition of NKR is the most important task

September 8, 2007 - 14:28 AMT  00:25 GMT
"We should work to further consolidate potentials of Artsakh, Armenia and the Diaspora and deepen traditional cooperation. Our strength is in our unity," Bako Sahakyan underscored.
Main goal of my presidency will be a viable and politically stable state

Main goal of my presidency will be a viable and politically stable state

September 8, 2007 - 14:21 AMT  00:25 GMT
NKR Defense Army will be ready to rebuff any attack against our state and society, Bako Sahakyan said.
Bako Sahakyan: Karabakh people wish to live in free and sovereign historical motherland

Bako Sahakyan: Karabakh people wish to live in free and sovereign historical motherland

September 8, 2007 - 14:17 AMT  00:25 GMT
The newly elected NKR President thanked his predecessors.

Israel's only impediment to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is politics

September 6, 2007 - 17:21 AMT  00:25 GMT
ADL, headquartered in the USA has finally qualified the slaughter of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as Genocide. The fact itself is very notable, as for the first time a Jewish Organization has called things by their proper names. According to ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman, the decision was made after the given issue had been discussed with the historians and Nobel Prize Laureate Eli Vizel.