NKR President: nobody will understand us and nothing will justify, if we lose diplomatic battle

NKR President: nobody will understand us and nothing will justify, if we lose diplomatic battle

October 1, 2007 - 19:38 AMT  03:02 GMT
"There was not such a heroic and responsible period in the centuries-old history of our nation," Bako Sahakian said.
OSCE: no significant progress in Karabakh process

OSCE: no significant progress in Karabakh process

October 1, 2007 - 19:21 AMT  03:02 GMT
Miguel Angel Moratinos: unfortunately, signatures on official documents are not enough. Distrust should be subdued and dialogue between the sides established.
U.S. planning

U.S. planning "surgical" anti-terrorism strikes on Iran

October 1, 2007 - 19:12 AMT  03:02 GMT
Seymour M. Hersh: the emphasis is on "surgical" strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities in Tehran and elsewhere.
UN Human Rights Council approves Armenia decision on prevention of genocide

UN Human Rights Council approves Armenia decision on prevention of genocide

October 1, 2007 - 18:41 AMT  03:02 GMT
Co-sponsorship of 62 states proves the political necessity of the decision.
UN Human Rights Council passes Armenia Resolution on Protection of Cultural Heritage

UN Human Rights Council passes Armenia Resolution on Protection of Cultural Heritage

October 1, 2007 - 18:12 AMT  03:02 GMT
Demolition of cultural monuments is a violation of law which can be described as nationalist and racial acts and religious discrimination.
Dink murder trial resumed in Istanbul

Dink murder trial resumed in Istanbul

October 1, 2007 - 17:23 AMT  03:02 GMT
Fethiye Cetin: evidence and information is being hidden from prosecutors... A lot of evidence was destroyed and lost.
Armenian Genocide: AAA indignant about 'ill-conceived letter by former Secretaries of State'

Armenian Genocide: AAA indignant about 'ill-conceived letter by former Secretaries of State'

October 1, 2007 - 16:49 AMT  03:02 GMT
Bryan Ardouny: we must not allow Turkish deniers and whomever they line up to endorse their deceptions to succeed in their attempt to derail affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.
Yerevan to mark 2789th birthday October 11-13

Yerevan to mark 2789th birthday October 11-13

October 1, 2007 - 16:41 AMT  03:02 GMT
Delegations from 13 cities will take part in the festivities.
Lebanon the only Arabian state that recognized Armenian Genocide

Lebanon the only Arabian state that recognized Armenian Genocide

October 1, 2007 - 15:26 AMT  03:02 GMT
"Baku is winning the information war and this can have a negative impact on Armenia's relations with the Arab world," the RA Ambassador to Lebanon says.
Kurdish rebels kill 12 in Turkey

Kurdish rebels kill 12 in Turkey

October 1, 2007 - 15:00 AMT  03:02 GMT
The attack, in Sirnak province near the Iraqi border, followed the killing of a Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leader.