Georgia has no chance unless Ukraine joins NATO

Georgia has no chance unless Ukraine joins NATO

January 12, 2008 - 15:59 AMT  13:36 GMT
Robert Legvold: the conflict in Abkhazia will not be resolved and Georgia will not be invited to NATO.
Plebiscite outcomes hardly to speed up Georgia's accession to NATO

Plebiscite outcomes hardly to speed up Georgia's accession to NATO

January 12, 2008 - 15:43 AMT  13:36 GMT
Daniel Fried: If Saakashvili keeps up the methods he used to apply during the recent months he will leave the Bucharest summit empty-handed
U.S., Germany planning to recognize Kosovo independence

U.S., Germany planning to recognize Kosovo independence

January 12, 2008 - 15:35 AMT  13:36 GMT
The New York Times: the European officials said the United States was aggressively pressing the European Union to ensure that the recognition of Kosovo was not delayed by even a week.
Turkey bombs northern Iraq again

Turkey bombs northern Iraq again

January 12, 2008 - 15:29 AMT  13:36 GMT
Turkish warplanes again bombed suspected Kurdish rebel bases deep inside northern Iraq.
George Bush was reminded about Armenian Genocide

George Bush was reminded about Armenian Genocide

January 12, 2008 - 15:27 AMT  13:36 GMT
Archbishop Shirvanyan requested the U.S. President to reconsider the Armenian genocide recognition issue.

George Bush has his "beacons" of democracy

January 10, 2008 - 19:17 AMT  13:36 GMT
The visit of the Turkish President Abdullah Gul to the USA was perfectly organized: meetings with George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, congressmen and the American-Turkish organizations were held. This is quite natural, since the Turkish President's visit to Washington was his first one as the President of Turkey. But the most noteworthy announcement was the one made by George Bush, who said that Turkey is the perfect example of a democratic country, which co-exists together with Islamic values.