All of 46 detained set free in Yerevan

All of 46 detained set free in Yerevan

March 27, 2008 - 18:15 AMT  03:47 GMT
RA Police: none of the detained was made answerable.
Lavrov: NATO expansion east inappropriate

Lavrov: NATO expansion east inappropriate

March 27, 2008 - 17:29 AMT  03:47 GMT
We can resist challenges by uniting efforts but not by exercising mechanical enlargement of blocs.
Bryza doesn't believe Azeri MFA enquiry reflects leadership position

Bryza doesn't believe Azeri MFA enquiry reflects leadership position

March 27, 2008 - 17:22 AMT  03:47 GMT
"We want to accomplish the basic principles of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict resolution," the U.S. diplomat said.
Georgia: is NATO capable to act independently?

Georgia: is NATO capable to act independently?

March 27, 2008 - 16:40 AMT  03:47 GMT
The major problems for Georgia's integration in NATO are unresolved conflicts and Russia, David Bakradze said.
Some 50 participants of protest action brought to police in Yerevan

Some 50 participants of protest action brought to police in Yerevan

March 27, 2008 - 16:04 AMT  03:47 GMT
The protesters were planning to read publications about "what is happening in the country" but the crowd was dispersed.
Zeev Elkin: Knesset arrived at historical decision

Zeev Elkin: Knesset arrived at historical decision

March 27, 2008 - 15:47 AMT  03:47 GMT
"I am proud of our efforts, which have brought on this historical achievement, and which other parliaments in the world have succeeded in doing a while ago," the member of Knesset said.
Baku launched collection of signatures for MG dissolution

Baku launched collection of signatures for MG dissolution

March 27, 2008 - 14:51 AMT  03:47 GMT
The initiative belongs to the Organization for Karabakh Liberation.
Turkey to break up in two years?

Turkey to break up in two years?

March 27, 2008 - 14:16 AMT  03:47 GMT
All segments of a state: the legislative, executive and presidential powers are being destroyed, Deniz Ulke Aribogan said.
NATO expansion east suspended

NATO expansion east suspended

March 27, 2008 - 13:58 AMT  03:47 GMT
Financial Times: there is continuing opposition, mainly from Western Europe, with Germany not wishing to provoke Russia, and other governments, such as France, hesitant.
UN experts clear Ledra of mines

UN experts clear Ledra of mines

March 27, 2008 - 13:41 AMT  03:47 GMT
Cyprus has been divided and some 17 thousand mines have been planted since 1974.