Mortar attack in Istanbul targeted military garrison

Mortar attack in Istanbul targeted military garrison

August 7, 2008 - 19:28 AMT  09:11 GMT
Two people on a motorbike were seen fleeing the scene
Armenia interested in China's presence in South Caucasus

Armenia interested in China's presence in South Caucasus

August 7, 2008 - 18:01 AMT  09:11 GMT
China is a friendly state for Armenia, the RA President said.
Congressman Steve Cohen forcibly removed journalist from news conference for his question about Armenian Genocide

Congressman Steve Cohen forcibly removed journalist from news conference for his question about Armenian Genocide

August 7, 2008 - 16:50 AMT  09:11 GMT
Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen was frustrated by repeated calls to explain his Congressional opposition to legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide
Armenian language receives state protection in Ukraine

Armenian language receives state protection in Ukraine

August 7, 2008 - 15:40 AMT  09:11 GMT
The Ukrainian Cabinet requested the Supreme Rada for special state support for the Armenian and Gypsy languages.
Stepanakert: it's absurd to react to plans for

Stepanakert: it's absurd to react to plans for "new" NKR capital construction

August 7, 2008 - 15:34 AMT  09:11 GMT
Zhanna Galstyan: maybe, the Azeri authorities have finally come to understand that people can't live in tents for 20 years in a country rich in oil and gas.
International law expert Yuri Barsegov dies at 83

International law expert Yuri Barsegov dies at 83

August 7, 2008 - 15:30 AMT  09:11 GMT
This year he issued the first volume of his collected papers on Nagorno Karabakh.
Replacement of OSCE MG French Co-chair by EU representative would do good, Baku says

Replacement of OSCE MG French Co-chair by EU representative would do good, Baku says

August 7, 2008 - 15:23 AMT  09:11 GMT
"If Azeri diplomacy works properly, the idea of engaging the EU into the negotiation process may come true," Asim Mollazade said.
PKK claims responsibility for BTC blast

PKK claims responsibility for BTC blast

August 7, 2008 - 15:18 AMT  09:11 GMT
Oil flows have been halted after a fire damaged a valve of the 1767-km pipeline on a section in eastern Turkey.

Relations between Ankara and Tehran are becoming red-hot

August 6, 2008 - 13:51 AMT  09:11 GMT
The verdict of ''not guilty'' of Turkey's Constitutional Court against the claim to ban the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) brought no peace to Turkey's home policy. The party of Gul and Erdoğan survived by a miracle, but there is no guarantee that quiet times will set in Turkey. Just on the contrary, appointment of General İlker Başbuğ on the post of Chief of the General Staff can only precipitate the onset of crisis in the country.