Susi Kentikian retains WIBF and WBA Female Flyweight titles

Susi Kentikian retains WIBF and WBA Female Flyweight titles

March 21, 2009 - 22:28 AMT  06:09 GMT
"This fight could be the hardest in my career," Kentikian said.
Ali Khamenei sees no change in U.S. attitude to Iran

Ali Khamenei sees no change in U.S. attitude to Iran

March 21, 2009 - 22:21 AMT  06:09 GMT
"We will observe them and we will judge," he said. "If you change your attitude, we will change our attitude."
Orinats Yerkir party nominates 101 candidates for Yerevan Mayor and Council of Elders

Orinats Yerkir party nominates 101 candidates for Yerevan Mayor and Council of Elders

March 21, 2009 - 21:02 AMT  06:09 GMT
Susanna Abrahamyan: the slate will be submitted to the Central Election Committee on March 22.
Armenian economy experiencing hardships

Armenian economy experiencing hardships

March 21, 2009 - 20:42 AMT  06:09 GMT
In January-February 2009 the GDP decreased by 3.7% against the last year's index.
Georgia-Azerbaijan relations strengthening

Georgia-Azerbaijan relations strengthening

March 21, 2009 - 20:25 AMT  06:09 GMT
David Bakradze: our interests are interdependent.
A deal has been reached for collision between Darchinyan and Joseph Agbeko

A deal has been reached for collision between Darchinyan and Joseph Agbeko

March 21, 2009 - 20:23 AMT  06:09 GMT
Gary Shaw: I hope Vic will bring his power up to bantamweight with him
Arte German TV channel screened

Arte German TV channel screened "Murder File Hrant Dink" documentary

March 21, 2009 - 19:51 AMT  06:09 GMT
Turkish/German Film Festival saw the world premiere of the film in Nuremberg
People's Party of Armenia has chosen

People's Party of Armenia has chosen "Love" as their election motto

March 21, 2009 - 19:31 AMT  06:09 GMT
Tigran Karapetyan will top the list of candidates for Yerevan Mayor and Council of Deans
Armenian banks experience no problems with banking operations

Armenian banks experience no problems with banking operations

March 21, 2009 - 19:19 AMT  06:09 GMT
Competition between the banks and assessment of risks will result in decrease in banking credit rate.
Nikolai Bordyuzha: CSTO would welcome interaction with Azerbaijan

Nikolai Bordyuzha: CSTO would welcome interaction with Azerbaijan

March 21, 2009 - 18:56 AMT  06:09 GMT
Azerbaijani delegates participate in some CSTO activities, such as countering narco-trafficking, CSTO Secretary General says