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Adam Schiff:

Adam Schiff: "Time to Recognize the Armenian Genocide"

April 5, 2009 - 01:11 AMT  12:21 GMT
"Millions of Americans hope that Barack Obama will fulfill a campaign promise by preparing the Turkish government for official American recognition of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23," US Congressman said.
White House spokesperson avoids commenting Armenian Genocide

White House spokesperson avoids commenting Armenian Genocide

April 5, 2009 - 00:16 AMT  12:21 GMT
When pressed to comment further, Robert Gibbs said: "I'll leave that for--I can't give away everything in one gaggle, for goodness sakes."
Iran-Armenia railroad important for entire region

Iran-Armenia railroad important for entire region

April 4, 2009 - 23:15 AMT  12:21 GMT
President Serzh Sargsyan's forthcoming visit to Iran will give renewed impetus to bilateral cooperation, Hamid Behbahani said.
Rasmussen to be next NATO chief

Rasmussen to be next NATO chief

April 4, 2009 - 23:04 AMT  12:21 GMT
NATO named Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen as its next leader on Saturday after overcoming Turkish resistance to his appointment.
Nalbandian, Fassier discuss Karabakh process

Nalbandian, Fassier discuss Karabakh process

April 4, 2009 - 22:12 AMT  12:21 GMT
Armenian Foreign Minister met with French Co-chair of the OSCE French Group.
Turkish Peace Union: Turkey will see no benefits from opening of borders with Armenia

Turkish Peace Union: Turkey will see no benefits from opening of borders with Armenia

April 4, 2009 - 20:38 AMT  12:21 GMT
"Turkey's opening borders with Armenia will constitute a stab in the back for the whole Turkic world," Turkish Peace Union statement reads
Crooked Old Man play starring Nora Armani to be held in Yerevan

Crooked Old Man play starring Nora Armani to be held in Yerevan

April 4, 2009 - 20:07 AMT  12:21 GMT
The play draws on Richard Kalinovski's work dedicated to Armenian Genocide
US filmmakers to shoot documentary on Lake Van Monster

US filmmakers to shoot documentary on Lake Van Monster

April 4, 2009 - 19:28 AMT  12:21 GMT
The documentary will be broadcast as part of the U.S. reality TV series "Destination Truth"
Holland to host events for 94th Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

Holland to host events for 94th Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

April 4, 2009 - 19:25 AMT  12:21 GMT
Commemorative Ceremony will be held in Assen on Apr. 24
Geronti Talalyan's 2nd Republican Cello Festival to launch in Yerevan

Geronti Talalyan's 2nd Republican Cello Festival to launch in Yerevan

April 4, 2009 - 18:02 AMT  12:21 GMT
The festival aims to increase interest to Violoncello performances