Yerevan to host 23 concerts with the participation of over 200 musicians

Yerevan to host 23 concerts with the participation of over 200 musicians

July 24, 2009 - 00:43 AMT  01:18 GMT
Open Music Festival will last 2 months.
Azeri soldiers shot their officers dead

Azeri soldiers shot their officers dead

July 24, 2009 - 00:18 AMT  01:18 GMT
One warrant officer and one senior lieutenant were killed. The warrant officer is reported to have been wounded by 30 bullets.
Armenian journalists to leave for Bryansk to participate in football tournament

Armenian journalists to leave for Bryansk to participate in football tournament

July 24, 2009 - 00:13 AMT  01:18 GMT
Journalist commands from Volgograd, Minsk, Moscow (NTV+), Vilnius, Lutsk and Bryansk will also take part in competitions.
RA Justice Ministry denies detainee beating

RA Justice Ministry denies detainee beating

July 24, 2009 - 00:02 AMT  01:18 GMT
The Armenian Ministry of Justice refuted Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper's publication on beating of a detainee in the pre-trial prison.
Karate legend Soke Takayuki Kubota visiting Armenia

Karate legend Soke Takayuki Kubota visiting Armenia

July 23, 2009 - 22:37 AMT  01:18 GMT
"I have a lot of Armenian friends and I always told them that I will visit Armenia one day," Kubota said.
Heritage calls for political prisoners' release

Heritage calls for political prisoners' release

July 23, 2009 - 22:36 AMT  01:18 GMT
The party estimates Nikol Pashinyan's arrest as authorities' revenge.
Armenia to host Miss Seven Continents 2009 beauty contest

Armenia to host Miss Seven Continents 2009 beauty contest

July 23, 2009 - 22:34 AMT  01:18 GMT
Contestants from 15 countries will take part in the event.
Armenia to host Kubota Karate international tournament

Armenia to host Kubota Karate international tournament

July 23, 2009 - 22:16 AMT  01:18 GMT
360 sportsmen from 9 countries, including NKR, will be participating in the event.
Microsoft launches new version of Windows 7

Microsoft launches new version of Windows 7

July 23, 2009 - 21:21 AMT  01:18 GMT
Microsoft corporation has today announced about launching the final version of Windows 7. Some subscribers will gain access to the new software within the coming weeks.
Yes, We Have, a new compendium of American-Armenian contributions released

Yes, We Have, a new compendium of American-Armenian contributions released

July 23, 2009 - 21:16 AMT  01:18 GMT
Stepan Partamian: We're doing this because we need to remind American leaders of their American-Armenian constituents' outstanding contributions to our country.