Cynthia Lennon, Pattie Boyd share recollections

Cynthia Lennon, Pattie Boyd share recollections

November 8, 2009 - 18:50 AMT  02:05 GMT
A photo exhibition titled "Pattie Boyd: yesterday and today" will be open till January 31.
GUAM Parliamentary Assembly opens its fourth session in Tbilisi

GUAM Parliamentary Assembly opens its fourth session in Tbilisi

November 8, 2009 - 18:39 AMT  02:05 GMT
Assembly's extended session will kick off on November 9, bringing together delegates from Baltic states and experts.
Tigran Sargsyan met with representatives of Intel and Cisco companies

Tigran Sargsyan met with representatives of Intel and Cisco companies

November 8, 2009 - 18:24 AMT  02:05 GMT
Armenian premier received representatives of San Francisco Armenian community and answered their questions.
ArmTech 2009 kicked off in St. Jose

ArmTech 2009 kicked off in St. Jose

November 8, 2009 - 18:00 AMT  02:05 GMT
Tigran Sargsyan: High technologies continue to remain an essential component of economic development.
Turkish FM: We want  to have good relations with all Armenians

Turkish FM: We want to have good relations with all Armenians

November 8, 2009 - 17:34 AMT  02:05 GMT
"I know that my grandfathers, too, have suffered. I know the pains of those who were forced to leave their their homes in the Caucasus or the Balkans," Davutoglu said.
Turkey's position on Karabakh creates extra impediments

Turkey's position on Karabakh creates extra impediments

November 8, 2009 - 16:41 AMT  02:05 GMT
Edward Nalbandyan: We intend to proceed with our efforts towards achieving international recognition of 1915 Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire.
Turkey unties Israel's hands in policy towards Armenia

Turkey unties Israel's hands in policy towards Armenia

November 8, 2009 - 16:25 AMT  02:05 GMT
Zeev Elkin: If none of parliamentarians takes charge of Israel-Armenia parliamentary group, I'd be pleased to do that myself as I find it important.
G20 Ministers decided to continue economic promotion program

G20 Ministers decided to continue economic promotion program

November 8, 2009 - 16:20 AMT  02:05 GMT
Representatives from U.S., Japan and Germany expressed doubts as to the expediency of furthering state injections into economy.
Iran conducts large-scale BBC trainings

Iran conducts large-scale BBC trainings

November 8, 2009 - 16:03 AMT  02:05 GMT
Maneuvers are organized by the assistance of military air bases of Tehran and Shiraz, with the involvement of BBC IRI fighters.
A high-level meeting of the three traditional Armenian parties took place in Yerevan

A high-level meeting of the three traditional Armenian parties took place in Yerevan

November 8, 2009 - 15:30 AMT  02:05 GMT
The three leaders discussed the ongoing developments in Armenia-Turkey relations and other issues of mutual concern.