Al Watan: Israel will conduct a huge military operation on the Lebanese border

Al Watan: Israel will conduct a huge military operation on the Lebanese border

January 17, 2010 - 18:48 AMT  07:30 GMT
Israel has started bringing equipment to the frontier between both countries, the Syrian newspaper reports.
Six major powers considering new sanctions against Iran

Six major powers considering new sanctions against Iran

January 17, 2010 - 18:30 AMT  07:30 GMT
"Consideration of appropriate further measures has begun," Robert Cooper told reporters after the meeting which brought together senior officials of Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the United States and a lower-level diplomat from China.
Pope Benedict XVI is pleased by accord between Armenia and Turkey

Pope Benedict XVI is pleased by accord between Armenia and Turkey

January 17, 2010 - 17:08 AMT  07:30 GMT
«I express my hope that, through dialogue, relations will improve among all the countries of the Southern Caucasus», - Holy Father said.
OpEdNews.com: The Myth of Nabucco: Greed, Delusion and $11.4 Billion

OpEdNews.com: The Myth of Nabucco: Greed, Delusion and $11.4 Billion

January 17, 2010 - 16:31 AMT  07:30 GMT
There is one potential supplier that could step into the supply void; it is a country too far: Iran.
Broadcast about Nagorno Karabakh mounted hysteria in Baku

Broadcast about Nagorno Karabakh mounted hysteria in Baku

January 17, 2010 - 16:25 AMT  07:30 GMT
Vesti-Povolzhye news program broadcast a report saying that Nagorno Karabakh's ancient name was Artsakh.
Ukraine holds presidential elections

Ukraine holds presidential elections

January 17, 2010 - 16:04 AMT  07:30 GMT
Chairman of Ukrainian CEC: The presidential ballot will not be disrupted.
Automobile clashes with passenger carriage in Armenia

Automobile clashes with passenger carriage in Armenia

January 17, 2010 - 15:38 AMT  07:30 GMT
The accident left 3 car passengers dead.
International Armenian-Kazakh Union opens branch in Russia

International Armenian-Kazakh Union opens branch in Russia

January 17, 2010 - 15:26 AMT  07:30 GMT
The objective of the branch is to assist in the strengthening of friendship and cooperation between people and Kazakh organizations of Armenia and Russia.

Verdict of RA Constitutional Court non-binding for Turkey

January 16, 2010 - 18:22 AMT  07:30 GMT
As expected, after a 10-day New Year holiday the first working week was politically eventful. The main event was the assembly of the Constitutional Court of Armenia, which was to issue a verdict on the Armenian-Turkish Protocols. More acute was Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's unexpected visit to Yerevan.

Russia will not allow Turkey or any other state to get closer to Karabakh conflict settlement

January 15, 2010 - 22:22 AMT  07:30 GMT
Following the fairly long New Year holidays in Armenia, the first working week proved to be unusually eventful. And even if we do not count the lively debates over the Armenian-Turkish Protocols, which, by the way, have become a kind of "national sports", only Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's visit to Yerevan on the background of the Russian-Turkish negotiations can imply a lot.