Serzh Sargsyan offers assistance to Dmitry Medvedev in extinguishing fires on Russia’s territory

Serzh Sargsyan offers assistance to Dmitry Medvedev in extinguishing fires on Russia’s territory

August 4, 2010 - 21:31 AMT  09:34 GMT
The two Presidents agreed on involvement of an Armenian emergency response group in the struggle against natural disaster.

Grape harvest to exceed last year’s index by 7,000t in Armenia in 2010

August 4, 2010 - 20:06 AMT  09:34 GMT
The Armenian Deputy Prime Minister discussed efficient organization of the process of grape purchase with governors.

Armenia’s Ambassador to Bulgaria awarded with Golden Age Medal of Honor

August 4, 2010 - 19:47 AMT  09:34 GMT
Sergey Manaseryan was awarded with Medal of Honor of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture for his exceptional contribution to the development of the Armenian-Bulgarian cultural ties.
Around 11,500 applicants entered higher education institutions of Armenia in 2010

Around 11,500 applicants entered higher education institutions of Armenia in 2010

August 4, 2010 - 18:52 AMT  09:34 GMT
The State Admission Commission approved the nominal list of paid and free seats of state higher education institutions of Armenia.

NGOs of Gyumri are against establishment of foreign language schools in Armenia

August 4, 2010 - 18:33 AMT  09:34 GMT
NGOs voiced concerns over a negative impact of international-class foreign language schools on Armenia’s secondary education system.

Yerevan to host ARMENIA EXPO 2010 trade and industrial expo-forum on September 3-5

August 4, 2010 - 18:22 AMT  09:34 GMT
It is the largest exhibition in the region, which represents almost all spheres of industry.
Beeline doubles Internet access speed for Hi-Line subscribers

Beeline doubles Internet access speed for Hi-Line subscribers

August 4, 2010 - 18:07 AMT  09:34 GMT
Igor Klimko: the decision will not only contribute to decreasing the cost of Internet access, but will also have an impact on Internet access speed in the country.

Electric train from Gyumri to Yerevan to reach destination faster

August 4, 2010 - 17:58 AMT  09:34 GMT
The electric train will be departing from Gyumri station at 07:10am and arriving at Yerevan station at 10:39am.

David Petrosyan: Russian troops will not be protecting NKR in case of resumption of hostilities

August 4, 2010 - 17:55 AMT  09:34 GMT
“Renewal of the agreement on military base runs counter to Russia’s sale of defense complexes to Azerbaijan,” said Petrosyan.
Armenians’ lawsuit against Turkey may cause the latter withdraw signature form Protocols

Armenians’ lawsuit against Turkey may cause the latter withdraw signature form Protocols

August 4, 2010 - 17:51 AMT  09:34 GMT
The California Courier: Given the traditional Turkish over-reaction to Armenian issues, it would not be surprising if Turkey’s leaders would become so irate as to withdraw their signature from the already frozen Armenia-Turkey Protocols.