Armenian astronomers, journalists discuss science journalism development

Armenian astronomers, journalists discuss science journalism development

April 17, 2011 - 17:34 AMT  14:31 GMT
"Our main goal is to increase reputation of science and scientists," President of the Armenian Association of Astronomers Areg Mikaelyan said.
Syria's President intends to lift state of emergency laws

Syria's President intends to lift state of emergency laws

April 17, 2011 - 17:26 AMT  14:31 GMT
President Bashar Assad warned there will no longer be "an excuse" for organizing protests after Syria lifts the emergency laws.

Hripsime Khurshudyan wins silver at European Weightlifting Championships

April 17, 2011 - 16:51 AMT  14:31 GMT
Armenia's Khurshudyan (+75kg) lifted 245kg in snatch and clean & jerk combination; Armenia is the fifth in team competition with 13 medals.
Japan: death toll from quake and tsunami reaches 13,778

Japan: death toll from quake and tsunami reaches 13,778

April 17, 2011 - 16:44 AMT  14:31 GMT
Nearly 14,141 remain unaccounted for, according to the police; about 136,000 people have been evacuated from the disaster zone.

Azerbaijani authorities try to prevent opposition rally in Baku

April 17, 2011 - 16:29 AMT  14:31 GMT
Baku's police have established control over central streets, parks and squares of the Azerbaijani capital.

ARPA Institute to host lecture on theme of Genocide in Armenian-American literature

April 17, 2011 - 16:12 AMT  14:31 GMT
The lecture by Prof. Barlow Der Mugerdechian will be held on April 28, 2011, in the Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School in Sherman Oaks

Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan to boost political and economic cooperation

April 17, 2011 - 16:06 AMT  14:31 GMT
A relevant declaration was signed by the Azerbaijani, Iranian and Turkish Foreign Ministers during a meeting in Urmia.

Turkish choral society with Armenian singers nominated for 2012 Nobel Peace Prize

April 17, 2011 - 15:49 AMT  14:31 GMT
Antakya Civilizations Choral Society comprises people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Georgia opens Upper Lars checkpoint for 5 hours

Georgia opens Upper Lars checkpoint for 5 hours

April 17, 2011 - 15:01 AMT  14:31 GMT
Upper Lars checkpoint located at the North Ossetian part of the Russian-Georgian border was closed on April 12 due to heavy snowfall at Krestovy pass.

Elen Grigoryan wins silver at European Weightlifting Championships; Khoren Gevor disqualified

April 16, 2011 - 19:13 AMT  14:31 GMT
Boxing: An international boxing tournament - Gagik Tsarukyan Cup - kicked off in Yerevan, with participation of 160 boxers from 16 countries. The prize fund is AMD 45mln. Armenia has 3 representatives in each weight category.