Authorities, oligarchs, WikiLeаks, PACE get slammed at ANC rally

Authorities, oligarchs, WikiLeаks, PACE get slammed at ANC rally

September 9, 2011 - 22:12 AMT  08:00 GMT
The ranks of Armenian National Congress supporters are thinning with every rally.
Samsung Galaxy Tab sale banned in Germany

Samsung Galaxy Tab sale banned in Germany

September 9, 2011 - 22:06 AMT  08:00 GMT
Any device Apple believes copies the design of the iPad in any way usually results in a lawsuit being filed.
ANC rally scheduled for Sept 23

ANC rally scheduled for Sept 23

September 9, 2011 - 21:42 AMT  08:00 GMT
ANC announced Sept 23 as the next rally date, altering its previous decision to organize it on Sept 21, Armenian Independence Day.
ANC to force authorities into snap elections unless Tigran Arakelyan released

ANC to force authorities into snap elections unless Tigran Arakelyan released

September 9, 2011 - 21:37 AMT  08:00 GMT
Ter-Petrossian: refusal to release Arakelyan will prove the incident between the police and ANC supporter to be a put-up job.
ANC leader: oligarchs seize power in Armenian parliament

ANC leader: oligarchs seize power in Armenian parliament

September 9, 2011 - 21:25 AMT  08:00 GMT
Levon Ter-Petrossian addressed the issue of Armenian parliamentarians, who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities.
ANC coordinator divulges Armenian FM's secrets?

ANC coordinator divulges Armenian FM's secrets?

September 9, 2011 - 21:03 AMT  08:00 GMT
Levon Zurabyan: Nicolas Sarkozy was unwilling to congratulate Serzh Sargsyan on election to presidency in 2008.
ANM board chairman: parents of dead Armenian army soldiers join ANC

ANM board chairman: parents of dead Armenian army soldiers join ANC

September 9, 2011 - 20:25 AMT  08:00 GMT
Armenian National Movement board chairman Aram Manukyan announced formation of We are Coming initiative in Facebook.
ANC supporter: authorities lie about inability to discover March 2008 events

ANC supporter: authorities lie about inability to discover March 2008 events

September 9, 2011 - 20:15 AMT  08:00 GMT
“Armenian authorities’ efforts to discover March 2008 events are a mere imitation,” the former judge advocate of Armenia said.
ANC won’t allow closing chapter on March 2008 events

ANC won’t allow closing chapter on March 2008 events

September 9, 2011 - 20:05 AMT  08:00 GMT
Armenian National Congress opposition bloc slammed PACE report on March 2008 events, calling it unacceptable.
Samsung denies buying MeeGo

Samsung denies buying MeeGo

September 9, 2011 - 20:01 AMT  08:00 GMT
Many had expected Samsung and other handset manufacturers to look toward acquiring their own mobile operating system.