April 18, 2005 - 05:00 AMT
This version of Azeri mass media may have good grounds.
London negotiations of the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan with the co-chairmen of OSCE Minsk group have finished. Opinions on the effectiveness of the negotiations are contradictory. According to the Azeri governmental "525th newspaper", the discussions in the capital of Britain were concentrated on concrete formulas of conflict settlement. Moreover, it is asserted that the parties are about to reach certain agreement. This information could be considered sensational if the sources were sure to be reliable. Nevertheless, there are obvious grounds for optimism.
The "525th newspaper" is not the only Azeri source possessing information about the fact that the co-chairmen speed up the negotiations. According to Baku "Zerkalo" newspaper, "the mediators demand from both parties to publicly acknowledge their readiness for rapid developments". The correspondent of the mentioned paper has information that the co-chairmen press towards achieving compromise from Yerevan and Baku before parliamentary elections of Azerbaijan. The essence of the idea is the following: the co-chairmen states will shut their eyes to the way Ilham Aliev will take over the control of the parliament only in case of real concessions concerning Karabakh conflict. The author of the article claims that in case of refusal, "both Baku and Yerevan may be blackmailed by velvet revolutions". This version may have certain grounds, taking into account the fact that in the nearest future a referendum on constitutional amendments is going to be held in Armenia. Both the elections in Azerbiajan and the referendum in Armenia may be used by outer forces against present authorities. For that reason, the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan are currently more susceptible to outer pressure and consequently more inclined to compromise.

Cautious optimism of the mediators is notable both in the joint statement of the co-chairmen before the London meeting and in the recent speech of Yuri Merzlyakov who mentioned about the existence of a package of proposals. The unexpected statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan made after the meeting with the Acting Chairman of OSCE, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Dmitiry Rupel proves the fact that there is some movement. The foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov said, "If the peace process continues, the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh will join the negotiations". Thus, it is quite obvious that official Baku is inclined to agree with the demands of PACE resolution about the necessity to start a direct dialogue with the representatives of the political circles of Karabakh. Although Mamedyarov speaks also about the participation of "Azeri community" it should be noted that no one has ever heard from any Azeri official about the readiness to negotiate with Arkadi Ghukasyan. So, the progress is really obvious and it cannot but arise optimism among the mediators. It looks like Mamedyarov himself also shows optimism as never before.