Thus, no revolution was carried out in Armenia

The reason that no revolution was carried out in Armenia was that the society realized that there is the Karabakh Conflict, the issue of the Armenian-Turkish relations existing and the not quite friendly region that Armenia has to deal with.

Any elections in Armenia, like in all the other post Soviet areas, are the end of the world. No one is happy; all accuse each other (and never themselves) of all deadly sins. But the elections held on May 12 in Armenia became a little exception. The conclusion the international observers arrived at and the careful remark made by the US State Department poured like cold water on the defeated opposition.
PanARMENIAN.Net - "The Parliamentary elections in Armenia were democratic. In comparison with the previous elections the Parliamentary elections held on May 12 complied with all international democratic standards," announced the head of the observation mission of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, OSCE PA Vice-President Tone Tingsgard. The elections were indeed held peacefully, with minimum violations; as the head of the CIS observation mission Vladimir Rushailo said, elections can never be perfect. The truth is, however, that everything depends on how much the violations influence the final results. In Armenia these violations are, let's say, of technical character, and didn't have any impact on the results. In other words, no revolution in Armenia was carried out, and the reason was that the society realized that there is the Karabakh Conflict, the issue of the Armenian-Turkish relations existing and the not quite friendly region that Armenia has to deal with, and that it could have very dangerous consequences for the country to take such a risk.

As for the three leading parties, they definitely won. The Republican Party, the Prosperous Armenia and Dashnaktsutiun got their votes. The existence of the two oppositional parties Orinats Yerkir and Heritage was quite explicable.

The elections are over, and now Armenia has another important step to take; the appointment of Ministers and the allocation of the posts in the Parliament are still ahead. What's the probability of creating coalition in the Parliament we will know in a while. However, a number of politicians have already started to speak of irrationality of the second alliance. "We don't need coalition having a symbolic character. The truth is that with the Republican Party of Armenia we have had a long way and we don't exclude the possible cooperation. We are ready to cooperate with all Parliamentary parties. The one-party government experience is applied all over the world and perhaps Armenia will have the same experience. The one-party government has both its advantages and disadvantages. The thing is that the whole responsibility of all what is going on in the country falls on one political power, but the outcomes are hard to be predicted," said the representative of the Supreme Body of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun Armen Rustamyan. The party will have 16 mandates which is not a small number if non-party deputies or deputies from the Prosperous Armenia join it, which is quite possible. The Prosperous Armenia together with one-mandatories has only 20 sits available.

According to the press secretary of the Republican Party Edward Sharmazanov, the party is inclined to establish constructive cooperation with all Parliamentary parties. "The formation of Parliamentary coalition is not considered as an end in itself. We have already had one "sad" experience of forming coalition with Orinats Yerkir, which we would not like to repeat. We ready to take up the whole responsibility if one-party government is formed," the Republican Party thinks. In other words, there is nothing wrong with one-party government. So we only have to wait till June 7, when the first session of the 4th call of meeting of the RA National Assembly is held.
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