The independence of Kosovo leads to the global war against the mother country

The declaration of independence of Kosovo may lead to similar moods in South Caucasus and in the most successful countries in Western Europe.

Europe is going to face big upheavals. Kosovo, after all, has decided to declare its independence with the support of the USA and some EU member countries. One-sided declaration of Kosovo independence is both inevitable and inadmissible. The EU has split into different parts: Cyprus, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia and Romania for some inner reasons spoke against the independence of the province. France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy, that is to say, the countries practicing the US policy in Europe are for the declaration of the sovereignty of the province.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Those who speak against the independence of Kosovo mention, that this will contradict the UNO Charter, Resolution 1244 which was signed by NATO in 1999 after 80 days of bombarding during the invasions of Serbia, without having warrant from the UN Security Council.

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin once again emphasized, that Russia is categorically against the one-sided declaration of Kosovo independence. "This will cause a serious damage to the entire system of the international law and will have a negative impact on the Balkans and the entire world," he said.

According to experts, the independence of Kosovo will create a legal precedent for the Republic of Serbia in the membership of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Serbs of these territories will have foundations for realization of their hope for their reunification with Serbia. The parade of the sovereignty of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, Transnistria in Moldova, and Transylvania in Romania will follow the Kosovo precedent, which may lead to similar moods in South Caucasus and in the most successful countries in Western Europe. Kosovo independence may inspire Tirana to establish the Great Albania. This will be the revision of Versailles world, which disinherit Albania from the Ottoman Empire. Ethnic Albanians make the one fourth of the population of Macedonia, are widely spread in Montenegro, live in Southern administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo. The independence of the province will also completely destroy the Yalta-Potsdam system of peacemaking. And finally, there is the problem of the remaining Serbian population in Kosovo. The Serbs almost for sure will leave the regions of the province and those living on the border with Serbia will demand reunification with the fatherland. Prestina struggles against this and insist on indivisibility of the province.

According to the Azeri political scientist Rassim Agayev, "the Kosovo precedent" has one aim only, which is to dismember different countries of the world which create any kind of problems for Washington. He thinks, that first of all this will have a negative impact on Azerbaijan, which became a victim of separatism. In this case Azerbaijan needs to clearly state its dispositions, to give political assessment of the Kosovo project, he says.

Whatever the European and American politicians say, the separation of Kosovo from Serbia is indeed a precedent, which the unrecognized states in many regions of the world will not fail to take advantage of. There is also the issue of North Cyprus, which has Turkey behind, which has lately been finally denied into the European Union in spite of its big expectations. Turkey will definitely use the Kosovo precedent in its own interests. And as it becomes clear from Putin's words, Russia will support Turkey in it. It's worth mentioning that "just-in-case" plans regarding Kosovo are being developed in different countries of the world. Not only European countries, but also Great Middle East is influenced by separatism. In Iran these are the region of Tabriz, populated by Iranian Azerbaijani, and the province of Khuzistan, populated by Iranian Arabs. Palestine is divided into two parts. In fact, Iraq is ready for break-up. As for Turkey, it will hardly put up with the establishment of the independent Kurdistan in its territory. North and South Vaziristan may also get separated from Pakistan.
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