35000 Armenian viewers visit News.yandex.ru monthly

35000 Armenian viewers visit News.yandex.ru monthly

PanARMENIAN.Net - News.yandex.ru service hosted a workshop on September 23.At the workshop, Yandex News partner relations manager Tatiana Isaeva and the head of Yandex News Lev Gershenzon commented on Armenian viewers statistic and Armenia-related programs.

According to statistical data, 35000 are using the search option at news.yandex.ru; 7000 follow the website –recommended links to learn about world news, 13000 use the website as a news source.

Yandex News cooperates with 25 Armenian partners, with daily postage of their news reports at news.yandex.ru totaling 800.

According to the head of news service, a possible creation of Yandex News Armenian version is envisaged. “Our system enables an Armenian-language search; yet we haven’t yet completed a full Armenian-language version of the website,” he noted.

According to Isaeva, Armenian media hardly ever provides reference to other local media outlets, which can’t but reflect on number of Armenian users of Yandex News.

Yandex is a Russian IT company which operates the largest search engine in Russia and develops a number of Internet-based services and products. The Yandex.ru home page has been rated as the most popular web site in Russia. Yandex attracts more than 56 million users from all over the world.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yandex - cite_note-6 The web site is also present in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Turkey.

6  23.09.11 - IPRC and Yandex organize a seminar about "Yandex.Novosti" service
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