August 25, 2012 - 14:21 AMT
Apple CEO: court's decision sent clear message that "stealing isn't right"

Tim Cook issued a memo to all Apple employees following the conclusion of a patent trial in the U.S. in which the jury ruled that rival Samsung had violated a number of Apple patents, Digital Trends reported.

He said the court's decision sent a clear message that "stealing isn't right."

Following Apple’s monumental billion-dollar victory over Samsung in a U.S. patent infringement trial lasting almost a month, Apple CEO Tim Cook issued a memo to all employees telling them the jury’s decision sent a “loud and clear message that stealing isn’t right.”

He also said the lawsuit had been about “values” more than anything else. “We value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth,” Cook wrote in the memo. “And we do this to delight our customers, not for competitors to flagrantly copy.”

He added that he was “thrilled” Apple had finally had the chance to tell its story and thanked the jurors for giving their time.