June 28, 2007 - 14:39 AMT
Rudolf Perina's appointment speaks about great importance of Armenia and NKR for USA
"Frankly speaking, I do not know the diplomatic rank of Rudolf Perina. However, he is a really experienced diplomat, professional conflictologist. R. Perina served as U.S. Special Envoy on local conflicts in Eurasia, he was closely involved in the settlement of the Yugoslavian conflict, directly participated in preparing and signing the Dayton Agreement," political scientist Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan stated to the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist, commenting on Rudolf Perina's appointment as U.S. Charge d'Affaires in Armenia. According to the political scientist, R. Perina is well aware of problems of Transdnestria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Karabakh. "Most likely, R. Perina's appointment as U.S. Charge d'Affaires in Armenia is not an evidence for neglecting his knowledge and values, just the opposite, it speaks about the great importance that Washington pays to our region, in particular, to Armenia and NKR," the Armenian political scientist underscored.

OSCE Minsk Group former U.S. Co-Chair Rudolf Perina is appointed as U.S. Charge d'Affaires in Armenia. He will take up his duties on July 10.