Google investing $50 million to modernize job hunt

Google investing $50 million to modernize job hunt

PanARMENIAN.Net - is investing $50 million to alter how we think about work. From throwing money at training in in-demand fields like coding, to simply making life easier for people in low-wage positions, Mountain View is looking to the future. For example, the internet juggernaut knows that college isn't for everyone, so it's working on a tool so people can easily compare vocational and technical training programs. Google hasn't specified how such a system will work, or how many training providers will be included, but in theory it'd put tech-ed programs alongside one another so you could find out which would suit your needs or offer the skills needed to land a job in your current city, Engadget said.

Missing a day of work can dramatically alter a paycheck, so Google has partnered with the National Domestic Workers Alliance and its Alia program to assist low-income workers. Contributing a "small" amount of money each month means that if you're hurt, Alia will supplement your income so a sick day doesn't sting your checking account so badly. It sounds a lot like what Geico offers -- passive income when you're not able to clock in to work.

And to help people find jobs in the first place, Google is giving money to French company Bayes Impact, which uses machine learning to analyze job-seeking strategies and listings to make finding your dream position less of a grind.

Coupled with Google Hire, it hints that the firm might be ahead of the curve when it comes to modern employment.

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