150 reels from 24 countries applies to ReAnimania animation film festival

PanARMENIAN.Net - The program of the first Yerevan-based ReAnimania international animation film festival has been publicized. Animation reels will fight for victory in the following categories: "Best Short Film," "Best feature film," Best Graduation Film"," Best TV series", "Audience Award", " RA ministry of culture Award", "Children's Special notice".

Premiere of the following films will be held: "WALTZ WITH BASHIR" by Israeli director Ari Folman, "SITA SINGS THE BLUES" by the U.S. director Nina Paley , "IDIOTS AND ANGLES" by U.S. director Bill Plympton, "PERSEPOLIS" by French directors Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud.

Various workshops will be organized at the festival: Workshops on directing animation, 2D traditional animation, 3D animation (not CGI), storyboarding, animation character design to be held at the festival.

The first Yerevan ReAnimania international animation film festival will take place from October 3 to 6. 150 reels from 24 countries have already applied to take part in ReAnimania.
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