January 29, 2015 - 15:05 AMT
YouTube dropping Flash support in favor of HTML5 video

YouTube has announced that it is dropping Flash support in favour of making HTML5 the standard format for its videos, Digital Spy reports.

All footage streamed on Safari 8, Internet Explorer 11, Chrome and the latest Firefox browsers will be delivered in this format.

Moving to HTML5 will help YouTube minimise buffering as the format's adaptive bitrate allows content providers to alter video quality depending on bandwidth.

Other benefits include support for the VP9 codec - which enables 4K video at 60fps - faster loading times, and WebRTV support for sharing content.

HTML5 is also more widely supported by modern platforms - including mobile phones - than Adobe's age-old Flash.

YouTube's decision to turn its back on Flash is another nail in the coffin for the technology, which is on the way to becoming defunct.