Baku Refutes Gas Delivery to Armenia via Azerbaijan

January 25, 2006 - 18:51 AMT  02:11 GMT
"The U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan noted that Sean McCormack made a slip and said Armenia instead of Georgia," Elmar Mammadyarov said.
U.S. Expert: No Single Country Can Combat Bird Flu Alone

U.S. Expert: No Single Country Can Combat Bird Flu Alone

January 25, 2006 - 18:44 AMT  02:11 GMT
Cases of avian influenza have not been registered in Armenia yet.

Sergey Ivanov May Arrive in Yerevan Today

January 25, 2006 - 18:26 AMT  02:11 GMT
The visit scheduled for January 25 was postponed for an uncertain term over bad weather conditions.

Opinion on Absence of Relations between Armenia and Turkey Erroneous

January 25, 2006 - 17:41 AMT  02:11 GMT
The present stage of negotiations over the Nagorno Karabakh conflict does not arouse concern in Turkey, Secretary General of Turkish National Security Service stated.

Gas Blasts in North Ossetia - Terrorist Act

January 25, 2006 - 17:12 AMT  02:11 GMT
Russian Deputy Prosecutor General dismissed as nonsense the statements by Georgian authority on the possible implication of the Russian special services in the diversion at the gas pipeline blasts in North Ossetia.

European Armenian Federation Called upon European Commission to Audit Turkish Legislation

January 25, 2006 - 16:57 AMT  02:11 GMT
"When the EU clearly demands the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Ankara will have to stop its denialist policies," EAFJD Director stated.

Russia Welcomed Baku and Yerevan Joining International Transport Corridor

January 25, 2006 - 16:32 AMT  02:11 GMT
Moscow is convinced that efficient cooperation of the South Caucasian states and development of economy is hardly possible without restoration of the regional thruways, first of all the railway communication," Russian Deputy FM stated.

Relics of Holy Echmiadzin Exhibition Opened in Hermitage

January 25, 2006 - 15:51 AMT  02:11 GMT
The exhibition was arranged within the framework of the Year of Armenia in Russia.

Georgia Refutes Statements on Supply of Gas to Armenia via Azerbaijan

January 25, 2006 - 15:42 AMT  02:11 GMT
Armenia could not receive gas from Azerbaijan, since the volume of gas in too small for it, Georgian Energy Minister stated.

Armenia Against Turkey's Participation in Peacekeeping Mission in Karabakh

January 25, 2006 - 15:32 AMT  02:11 GMT
The RA Foreign Minister rated the negotiations between the OSCE CiO and the Armenian leadership as positive.