Karabakh: Change of OSCE MG Co-Chair Won't Lead to Change of Positions

Karabakh: Change of OSCE MG Co-Chair Won't Lead to Change of Positions

June 17, 2006 - 16:25 AMT  20:51 GMT
Armen Rustamian: the Co-chairs changed many times but the rotation caused not consequences.
Dual Citizenship Important for Unifying Interests of RA Citizens and Diaspora

Dual Citizenship Important for Unifying Interests of RA Citizens and Diaspora

June 17, 2006 - 16:08 AMT  20:51 GMT
Vartan Oskanian: dual citizenship is one of the most important tasks for Armenia.

Armenian Diaspora Offers Cooperation to Azeri and Georgian Diasporas?

June 17, 2006 - 15:54 AMT  20:51 GMT
The information office of the Union of Armenians of Russia is unaware of the initiative of the Armenian Diaspora.
Torosian: No Measures Taken against Turkish Diplomat in Yerevan

Torosian: No Measures Taken against Turkish Diplomat in Yerevan

June 17, 2006 - 15:07 AMT  20:51 GMT
Vahit Erdem left Armenia within the NATO PA delegation and nothing was taken away from him, the Armenian Parliament Speaker said.
RA FM to Depart for Kyiv on Formal Visit June 18

RA FM to Depart for Kyiv on Formal Visit June 18

June 17, 2006 - 15:02 AMT  20:51 GMT
June 20 Vartan Oskanian will leave Kyiv for Geneva.
Agreement on Transportation of Kazakhstani Oil Through BTC Signed

Agreement on Transportation of Kazakhstani Oil Through BTC Signed

June 17, 2006 - 14:47 AMT  20:51 GMT
Azerbaijani and Kazakhstani Presidents signed an agreement on transportation of Kazakhstani oil through the BTC in the Caspian Sea to the world market.
Putin and Aliyev Discussed Karabakh Settlement

Putin and Aliyev Discussed Karabakh Settlement

June 17, 2006 - 14:33 AMT  20:51 GMT
Sergey Lavrov: there is hope for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, however problems still remain and the dialogue will be continued by Vladimir Putin and Robert Kocharian.

The "Eastern Azeri" Leader Defends Self-Determination Right

June 13, 2006 - 20:58 AMT  20:51 GMT
On Sunday, the leader of Turkic separatists of Northern Iran Mohammadaly Chehraganly was arrested and deported from country. A day before was arrested in Istanbul and deported to Azerbaijan. It is noteworthy that only a couple of weeks before migratory authorities of Turkey and Azerbaijan had sanctioned his visit, providing entry visas. Chehraganly's arrest allows supposing that certain changes have taken place recently. Western impulses have probably made Ankara and Baku refrain from supporting Turkic separatists, struggling for the establishment of Great Turan.