OSCE MG Believes Status Should Be Decided By People of Karabakh

OSCE MG Believes Status Should Be Decided By People of Karabakh

July 31, 2006 - 14:40 AMT  03:48 GMT
"The principles that are on the table don't constitute an agreement. They are principles, suggestions. So it's not possible for anyone to walk away from an agreement, if there isn't an agreement," said the U.S. administration official.

Will Armenia export oil?

June 22, 2006 - 22:53 AMT  03:48 GMT
In September Transeuroenegery Corporation, Canada, will launch exploring works to search for hydrocarbon in Armenia. The essential equipment will be brought in the near future and very soon it will be possible to say whether Armenia has a chance to enter the cartel of oil exporting states.