Fassier Considers Statements on Karabakh Participation in Talks «Groundless»

Fassier Considers Statements on Karabakh Participation in Talks «Groundless»

October 3, 2006 - 19:12 AMT  06:22 GMT
«We travel too much and our governments are not so rich to waste money on our trips,» Fassier believes.
Armenia and Switzerland Activate Bilateral Cooperation

Armenia and Switzerland Activate Bilateral Cooperation

October 3, 2006 - 19:09 AMT  06:22 GMT
Kocharian appreciated Swiss assistance to reform implementation in Armenia.
OSCE MG Does Not Imagine Karabakh Settlement by Force

OSCE MG Does Not Imagine Karabakh Settlement by Force

October 3, 2006 - 19:06 AMT  06:22 GMT
The principal aim of OSCE MG visit to region is to restore direct dialogue between parties to conflict.
EU-Turkey: European Commissioner Disagrees with Chirac

EU-Turkey: European Commissioner Disagrees with Chirac

October 3, 2006 - 19:04 AMT  06:22 GMT
Louis Michel: We have to understand the importance of Turkey and its key role in the region.
Bryza Supports Frozen Conflicts Inclusion in UN GA Agenda

Bryza Supports Frozen Conflicts Inclusion in UN GA Agenda

October 3, 2006 - 19:02 AMT  06:22 GMT
Solution of the conflict within the OSCE will be the most balanced and weighed, the US mediator said.
OSCE MG Co-Chairs Return to Bucharest Option

OSCE MG Co-Chairs Return to Bucharest Option

October 3, 2006 - 19:00 AMT  06:22 GMT
Merzlyakov: New ideas are based on specification of the document, presented to parties in May.
Romanian President to Pay Official Visit to Armenia

Romanian President to Pay Official Visit to Armenia

October 3, 2006 - 18:55 AMT  06:22 GMT
Within the visit framework Basescu will visit the Memorial to Armenian Genocide Victims and will lay a wreath to it.

Will Armenia export oil?

June 22, 2006 - 22:53 AMT  06:22 GMT
In September Transeuroenegery Corporation, Canada, will launch exploring works to search for hydrocarbon in Armenia. The essential equipment will be brought in the near future and very soon it will be possible to say whether Armenia has a chance to enter the cartel of oil exporting states.