RA Parliament Prolonged Terms of Stay of Armenian Peacekeepers in Iraq

RA Parliament Prolonged Terms of Stay of Armenian Peacekeepers in Iraq

December 6, 2006 - 14:11 AMT  21:02 GMT
The decision was passed with 85 votes 'for' and 19 'against'.
GUAM Initiative on 'Frozen Conflicts' Not Ripe for Discussion in UN Yet

GUAM Initiative on 'Frozen Conflicts' Not Ripe for Discussion in UN Yet

December 6, 2006 - 14:00 AMT  21:02 GMT
This issue is in the agenda of 61st General Assembly and it will be not excluded till September of this year", declared the head of Georgian FA Ministry.
Netherlands Offers to Toughen Measures on Turkey

Netherlands Offers to Toughen Measures on Turkey

December 6, 2006 - 13:51 AMT  21:02 GMT
Dutch Foreign Minister Bernard Bot addressed a special letter to the parliament.
OSCE MG to Familiarize Next OSCE CiO with Karabakh Issue

OSCE MG to Familiarize Next OSCE CiO with Karabakh Issue

December 6, 2006 - 13:37 AMT  21:02 GMT
The mediators proposed to organize a new meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs.
Sergey Lavrov on Karabakh: Excessive publicity hardly will help the job

Sergey Lavrov on Karabakh: Excessive publicity hardly will help the job

December 6, 2006 - 13:25 AMT  21:02 GMT
During the Session of OSCE FA Ministers a statement was coordinate on Nagorno Karabakh, "which is acceptable for Armenia and for Azerbaijan", declared Russian FA Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Genetic Research Excluded Turkish origin of Hamshen Armenians

Genetic Research Excluded Turkish origin of Hamshen Armenians

December 6, 2006 - 13:20 AMT  21:02 GMT
The genetic DNA analysis taken from Hamshen Armenians of Krasnodar and Rostov regions was carried out on the London University College jointly with British colleagues.

Turkey's integration into EU is suspended at least for 20 years.

December 5, 2006 - 18:42 AMT  21:02 GMT
European Politicians have started to speak of Turkey as of a country having small possibilities for integrating into EU more frequently. Nicola Sarkozy, a possible candidate for the French presidency, announced that "Turkey has no place in EU"; these words caused recurrent indignations in the country. "The latest events caused troubles in Turkey's relationship with the European Union.