Georgia Will Not Refuse from Kars-Akhalkalai Railway Despite US Position

Georgia Will Not Refuse from Kars-Akhalkalai Railway Despite US Position

January 10, 2007 - 18:42 AMT  05:14 GMT
"Washington refuses to finance the project, but that will be no problem, the finance may be obtained from other sources." Gela Bezhuashvili said.
In Summer of 2007 ICG to Publish a Report on Karabakh Conflict

In Summer of 2007 ICG to Publish a Report on Karabakh Conflict

January 10, 2007 - 18:10 AMT  05:14 GMT
"Azerbaijan and Armenia should meet half-way, however it would be difficult for both of the parties." stated Sabina Freiser.
NKR Authorities Ready to Pass the Soldier Who Crossed Border

NKR Authorities Ready to Pass the Soldier Who Crossed Border

January 10, 2007 - 17:49 AMT  05:14 GMT
Soldier E.Nuriev passed to the Karabakh side at night of December 31, 2006, in the Fizouli direction of the Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijani armed forces contact-line and was detained by servicemen of the NKR Defense Army.
Matthew Bryza on Karabakh:

Matthew Bryza on Karabakh: "We Finished The Year with Positive Notes"

January 10, 2007 - 17:35 AMT  05:14 GMT
"2006 in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement was a year of rise, then of decline and then of a new rise. Right as if a double-humped camel," stated the American Co-Chair.
OSCE MG to Visit Region at the End of January and Beginning of February

OSCE MG to Visit Region at the End of January and Beginning of February

January 10, 2007 - 17:09 AMT  05:14 GMT
The exact date of visit depends on the work-schedule of presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia Ilham Aliev and Robert Kocharian.
Serbian Foreign Ministry Categorically Against Selling Arms to Armenia

Serbian Foreign Ministry Categorically Against Selling Arms to Armenia

January 10, 2007 - 17:02 AMT  05:14 GMT
Vuk Draskovic: If President Boris Tadic after all decides to sell arms to Armenia, Serbia will have to explain OSCE and UN why the embargo and UN instructive resolution were violated."
Adam Schiff is Going to Introduce a Bill on Recognizing Armenian Genocide

Adam Schiff is Going to Introduce a Bill on Recognizing Armenian Genocide

January 10, 2007 - 16:36 AMT  05:14 GMT
The Armenian organizations in USA have already declared that they are going to reach an adoption of resolution till April 24-the Remembrance Day of the victims of Armenian Genocide.
Armenian Genocide Became a Cause of Political Dispute in Germany

Armenian Genocide Became a Cause of Political Dispute in Germany

January 10, 2007 - 16:03 AMT  05:14 GMT
A serious dispute occurred between Central Union of Armenians and left-wing parliamentarians of Bundestag in Germany.
Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline under Test

Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline under Test

January 10, 2007 - 15:46 AMT  05:14 GMT
The test works of the pipeline will be finished till March-April in the current year.
A Summit

A Summit "Armenia's Development: The Students' Role" to Take Place at Columbia University

January 10, 2007 - 15:34 AMT  05:14 GMT
During this two-day summit, students will be informed about the current state of development and challenges in the IT, tourism and health-care sectors of Armenia.