Pamuk to receive honorary doctorate from Berlin's Free University

Pamuk to receive honorary doctorate from Berlin's Free University

March 9, 2007 - 12:45 AMT  13:45 GMT
Pamuk's tour of Germany will begin in Hamburg on May 2 and will also take in Berlin, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart.

Elections in unrecognized republics are more democratic than those in metropolitan countries

March 6, 2007 - 16:42 AMT  13:45 GMT
The history repeats itself - Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, and now Abkhazia. The unrecognized republics' wish to decide their destiny on their own has again faced the resistance of the World Community, and the Parliamentary Elections in Abkhazia may serve as a proof for the above mentioned. "All the elections held in Abkhazia in post-war period speak for the stable move towards democracy and development of jural state", said the president Sergei Bagapsh after voting in the polls.