Actually Turkey doesn't wish normalization of relations with Armenia

Actually Turkey doesn't wish normalization of relations with Armenia

March 21, 2007 - 14:48 AMT  06:25 GMT
"The reconstruction of the Church on Akhtamar is an extra proof that Armenians were natives there," Vartan Oskanian said.
Yerevan and Tehran discuss possibility of oil pipeline construction

Yerevan and Tehran discuss possibility of oil pipeline construction

March 21, 2007 - 14:39 AMT  06:25 GMT
The inauguration of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline is an important step towards energy security and diversification of energy resources, Vartan Oskanian said.
U.S. State Department admitted its mistake in report on Armenia

U.S. State Department admitted its mistake in report on Armenia

March 21, 2007 - 14:24 AMT  06:25 GMT
"It's late to correct the document now, but the U.S. promised to issue an explanatory statement or change the text of the report posted at the web site," the Armenian Foreign Minister said.
Genevan meeting of Armenian and Azeri FMs was arduous

Genevan meeting of Armenian and Azeri FMs was arduous

March 21, 2007 - 14:16 AMT  06:25 GMT
Vartan Oskanian: the meeting once again proved availability of contradictions that are hard for us to overcome.
Turkey indignant about not being invited at EU summit

Turkey indignant about not being invited at EU summit

March 21, 2007 - 14:00 AMT  06:25 GMT
European leaders are set to meet in Berlin on March 24-25 for a summit marking the treaty that launched the European common market.

Aliyev "doesn't question resolution of Karabakh conflict in Baku's favor"

March 21, 2007 - 13:27 AMT  06:25 GMT
"Azerbaijan's position in the conflict strengthens with time," the Azerbaijani President assured.
First train to cover Kars-Akhalkalaki-Baku railroad in May 2010

First train to cover Kars-Akhalkalaki-Baku railroad in May 2010

March 21, 2007 - 13:20 AMT  06:25 GMT
Irakly Ezugbaya: the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Baku will be a railway to connect London with Beijing.

Ankara fears that Turkey will stop existing as a State as soon as it recognizes the Genocide

March 20, 2007 - 18:28 AMT  06:25 GMT
Presently Turkey is going through the hardest times in its modern history. Even in its worst nightmare Turkey wouldn't think that the Resolution about the Armenian Genocide would be proposed to the US Congress, and moreover, that there would be a possibility for this Resolution to pass. The struggle against the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is more fierce than ever and denying the Armenian Genocide has become Turkey's first prerequisite.