Sergey Markedonov: Karabakh to serve as example for changing supreme power in civilized way

Sergey Markedonov: Karabakh to serve as example for changing supreme power in civilized way

July 14, 2007 - 16:40 AMT  11:51 GMT
Karabakh continues to remain as a peculiar lighthouse for Armenia and Diaspora.
Treatment towards non-Muslims in Turkey became intense after Hrant Dink's murder

Treatment towards non-Muslims in Turkey became intense after Hrant Dink's murder

July 14, 2007 - 16:28 AMT  11:51 GMT
Ruben Safrastian: Parliamentarian elections in Turkey will not result in improvement of Armenian-Turkish relations.
Global Gold Corporation estimated humor sense of Azeri journalists at its true worth

Global Gold Corporation estimated humor sense of Azeri journalists at its true worth

July 14, 2007 - 15:25 AMT  11:51 GMT
Van Krikorian: Information that the Pentagon watches the works of GGC or has the vote at shareholders meeting does not absolutely have any connection with the reality.
Russia pulls out of Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty

Russia pulls out of Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty

July 14, 2007 - 15:06 AMT  11:51 GMT
In a statement by Putin, the Kremlin said the choice was due to "extraordinary circumstances, affecting the security of the Russian Federation and which require immediate measures".

Is Matthew Bryza's opinion the same as that of US State Department's?

July 12, 2007 - 19:16 AMT  11:51 GMT
During the ongoing military-political discussions held between the USA and Azerbaijan the parties exchanged opinions regarding the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict resolution. In the course of the press-conference in the US State Department the Azeri Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Araz Azimov announced, that the given conflict had been discussed within the frames of the discussions of the regional security issues.