Turkey wrangles with US: Resolution in exchange for PKK

Turkey wrangles with US: Resolution in exchange for PKK

October 12, 2007 - 20:31 AMT  13:44 GMT
"The only remedy of yesterday's mistake is concrete cooperation in the fight against the PKK," said Egemen Bagis.
Situation in Turkey may develop by

Situation in Turkey may develop by "Germany and Holocaust" scenario

October 12, 2007 - 20:26 AMT  13:44 GMT
Alexander Sotnichenko: Turkey may be obliged to pay off compensations for the damage caused to the Armenian population in 1915-1923.
German media: Turkey should re-conceive mass killings of Armenians in Ottoman Empire

German media: Turkey should re-conceive mass killings of Armenians in Ottoman Empire

October 12, 2007 - 20:16 AMT  13:44 GMT
Genocide cannot be 'cancelled' by refusal to give it the proper name.
Israel worried by U.S. debate but tries to deflect pressure from Turkey to take its side

Israel worried by U.S. debate but tries to deflect pressure from Turkey to take its side

October 12, 2007 - 20:03 AMT  13:44 GMT
Marc Regev: Israel's government has said previously that massacres were perpetrated against Armenians and expressed sympathy for their suffering. But it stopped short of calling it genocide. There is no change" in Israel's policy.
La Stampa:

La Stampa: "march of death" for hundreds of thousand of Armenians in 1915-1918 was Genocide

October 12, 2007 - 19:56 AMT  13:44 GMT
"The Ottoman Empire had no mercy on children, women and old people. This slaughter is described in historical documents, bulletins and testimony of witnesses," Italian La Stampa reminds.
Turkish Consumers' Union calls for U.S. product boycott

Turkish Consumers' Union calls for U.S. product boycott

October 12, 2007 - 19:00 AMT  13:44 GMT
Bulent Deniz: we decided not to use U.S.-made products to protest the approval of the resolution.
NATO hopes U.S. and Turkey will resolve conflict in near future

NATO hopes U.S. and Turkey will resolve conflict in near future

October 12, 2007 - 18:11 AMT  13:44 GMT
"We do not comment on the situation. This is a bilateral problem, which doesn't refer to the Alliance," a NATO representative said.
House passage of H.Res.106 will produce domino effect

House passage of H.Res.106 will produce domino effect

October 12, 2007 - 17:28 AMT  13:44 GMT
Hayk Demoyan: Turkey's stance on the Armenian Genocide issue drives this country into a corner.
U.S. House of Representatives to vote on H.Res.106 till yearend

U.S. House of Representatives to vote on H.Res.106 till yearend

October 12, 2007 - 17:18 AMT  13:44 GMT
The entire Armenian-American community stands united with Speaker Pelosi and commends her for standing firm in the face of this alarmist drumbeat and outright blackmail by Turkey and its deniers.
Turkey ready to intrude into northern Iraq at any price

Turkey ready to intrude into northern Iraq at any price

October 12, 2007 - 16:59 AMT  13:44 GMT
Erdogan: the Turkish parliament will be submitted a bill on operation aiming to clear the region of PKK fighters early next week.