Turkish troops cross Iraqi border

Turkish troops cross Iraqi border

December 18, 2007 - 18:51 AMT  16:41 GMT
Rice tries to persuade Iraqi leaders to press for political reconciliation.
OSCE to resume monitoring of Armenian-Azeri border

OSCE to resume monitoring of Armenian-Azeri border

December 18, 2007 - 18:27 AMT  16:41 GMT
The monitoring process was suspended through the fault of the Azeri side.
PACE mission on cultural heritage can arrive in region early 2008

PACE mission on cultural heritage can arrive in region early 2008

December 18, 2007 - 18:00 AMT  16:41 GMT
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh have already presented the list of monuments to be monitored. The matter depends on Azerbaijan's good will, Vartan Oskanian said.
Vartan Oskanian: Armenia-Azerbaijan talks will go on

Vartan Oskanian: Armenia-Azerbaijan talks will go on

December 18, 2007 - 17:47 AMT  16:41 GMT
The OSCE Minsk Group calls on Yerevan and Baku to approve common concept of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement as a basis for a comprehensive peaceful agreement.
Armenia highlighted Karabakh problem at OSCE FMs summit

Armenia highlighted Karabakh problem at OSCE FMs summit

December 18, 2007 - 17:23 AMT  16:41 GMT
Vartan Oskanian: no declaration was adopted upon the outcomes of the Madrid summit, since a number of issues were not coordinated.
Karabakh issue bases on right to self-determination

Karabakh issue bases on right to self-determination

December 18, 2007 - 17:09 AMT  16:41 GMT
Vartan Oskanian: whatever OSCE MG proposals could be, the opinion of Karabakh will be taken into account.
PACE, OSCE PA, EP and CIS IPA invited to observe RA presidential election

PACE, OSCE PA, EP and CIS IPA invited to observe RA presidential election

December 18, 2007 - 16:24 AMT  16:41 GMT
The invitations were sent by Armenian National Assembly Speaker Tigran Torosian.
International Association of Genocide Scholars recognized Assyrian and Greek genocides

International Association of Genocide Scholars recognized Assyrian and Greek genocides

December 18, 2007 - 15:41 AMT  16:41 GMT
IAGS: while activist and scholarly efforts have resulted in widespread recognition of the Armenian Genocide, there has been "little recognition of similar genocides against other Christian minorities of the Ottoman Empire."
Hakan Tekin: Turkey not scared of its history

Hakan Tekin: Turkey not scared of its history

December 18, 2007 - 14:49 AMT  16:41 GMT
"It's not correct to describe killings of Armenians during World War I as Genocide," said Turkey's Consul General in Los Angeles.
Azeri youth ready for dialogue with Armenia, Azeri Minister says

Azeri youth ready for dialogue with Armenia, Azeri Minister says

December 18, 2007 - 14:22 AMT  16:41 GMT
Azad Rahimov: trust-building measures are taken to reconcile the Azerbaijani and Armenian publics in the framework of people's diplomacy.