Pristina adopted statement on independence proclamation February 17

Pristina adopted statement on independence proclamation February 17

February 16, 2008 - 15:27 AMT  22:28 GMT
Boris Tadic: bilateral ties with countries that recognized Kosovo would be circumscribed, but a possible decision by Belgrade to withdraw ambassadors would "not mean it would stop communicating with those countries or cut ties with those countries."
Majority of Armenian voters decided on their candidate

Majority of Armenian voters decided on their candidate

February 16, 2008 - 15:24 AMT  22:28 GMT
Law enforcers reported receipt of 52 alerts of election violations.
Novruz Mammadov: Azerbaijan not going to await Karabakh resolution 5 more years

Novruz Mammadov: Azerbaijan not going to await Karabakh resolution 5 more years

February 16, 2008 - 15:18 AMT  22:28 GMT
Talks must be continued irrespectively of who is elected Armenia's President.
EU approves mission dispatch to Kosovo next week

EU approves mission dispatch to Kosovo next week

February 16, 2008 - 15:12 AMT  22:28 GMT
Crucially, the mission will be able to intervene in sensitive areas such as fighting corruption and organized crime and catching war crime suspects.
French FM didn't voice support to

French FM didn't voice support to "Azerbaijan's territorial integrity"

February 16, 2008 - 14:50 AMT  22:28 GMT
Bernard Kouchner welcomed continuation of Karabakh talks in 2008.
Washington doesn't possess information on PKK bases in Karabakh

Washington doesn't possess information on PKK bases in Karabakh

February 16, 2008 - 14:25 AMT  22:28 GMT
Jonathan Henick: we have little data concerning PKK activities in Azerbaijan.
U.S. Congressmen call on Rice challenge Azerbaijan's threats of renewed war

U.S. Congressmen call on Rice challenge Azerbaijan's threats of renewed war

February 16, 2008 - 13:49 AMT  22:28 GMT
Baku undermines the Administration's policy of fostering peace and stability in the South Caucasus region, said Members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Goble's plan on Karabakh problem still remains the object of fierce discussions

February 14, 2008 - 19:40 AMT  22:28 GMT
For 20 years since the beginning of the Karabakh conflict many suggestions have been made for its resolution. As a rule, all of them were based on one soul idea, according to which the both parties should work towards reaching a compromise to come to a peaceful agreement. The plan of the American politician Paul Goble is among the so-called "compromise settlements". However, Goble's plan remained only a plan, since it included an argument, which, according to a western mind was totally irrational. "Own lands" mustn't be given up to the enemy or it would be the same as to stop being a representative of your own nation.