Nalbandian attended CIS Foreign Ministers summit in Bishkek

Nalbandian attended CIS Foreign Ministers summit in Bishkek

October 10, 2008 - 14:17 AMT  17:18 GMT
The Foreign Ministers discussed structure reforms, CIS activities and cooperation.

Oil determines «strategic allies»

October 9, 2008 - 19:17 AMT  17:18 GMT
The latest interview of RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov seems to have sobered up part of the Armenian society, who still cherished hopes for a fair settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with the help of Russia. Moreover, the RF Foreign Minister made it blunt-clear that regulation is practically impossible without Turkey's assistance. In the light of the latest regional events Lavrov's statements are quite explicable: cunning as the high-ranking diplomat may be, Russia did not aim to protect residents of South Ossetia, but restored its power in the Caucasus.