
Russia hurries to strengthen its position in the South Caucasus, trying to shift the regional center from Tbilisi to Yerevan

Armenia presently needs not promises of friendship and allied relations, but a more balanced policy in relations with the Russian Federation, which, however, should not presuppose secondary relations with the EU or the USA.

November 20, 2008
While the US Government is being formed, Russia hurries to strengthen its position in the South Caucasus, trying to shift the regional center from Tbilisi to Yerevan. Yet, it is still difficult to say what success Russia will achieve in the foreseeable future. But the growing statements on the principle of the right of a nation to self-determination, which Russian politicians of different ranks have been mentioning oftener and oftener in their statements, give grounds to believe that with Georgia retiring and Baku probably going «free sailing» Russia takes the risk of being left face to face with a very unreliable ally in the person of Turkey.