U.S. aid to Armenia for recovery from Spitak earthquake totaled $51 million

U.S. aid to Armenia for recovery from Spitak earthquake totaled $51 million

December 5, 2008 - 19:04 AMT  15:01 GMT
On December 5, U.S. Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch opened a photo exhibit at the Moscow Cinema in Yerevan that tells a visual story of the 1988 earthquake and the international relief effort that followed.
Azeri delegation circulates in Helsinki its version of Karabakh settlement

Azeri delegation circulates in Helsinki its version of Karabakh settlement "principles"

December 5, 2008 - 17:55 AMT  15:01 GMT
"The ultimate objective of the settlement process is to elaborate and define the model and legal frameworks of the status of the Nagorno Karabakh region within Azerbaijan," the document says.
Foreign Ministers of OSCE MG co-chair states introduced changes in Madrid principles?

Foreign Ministers of OSCE MG co-chair states introduced changes in Madrid principles?

December 5, 2008 - 17:25 AMT  15:01 GMT
Elmar Mammadyarov: thorough analysis of these changes will be apparently followed by a ministerial or presidential meeting.
Vladimir Putin to Tigran Sargsyan: we have mush to speak about

Vladimir Putin to Tigran Sargsyan: we have mush to speak about

December 5, 2008 - 16:56 AMT  15:01 GMT
Armenian and Russian Prime Ministers met in Moscow today.
Turkish, Armenian Presidents receive Peace and Sport Image of the Year Award

Turkish, Armenian Presidents receive Peace and Sport Image of the Year Award

December 5, 2008 - 16:32 AMT  15:01 GMT
This distinction for the best image of fraternization through sport was awarded for a photograph of the historic handshake between Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.
RA FM: together Armenia and Turkey will achieve common goal - normalize relations

RA FM: together Armenia and Turkey will achieve common goal - normalize relations

December 5, 2008 - 15:26 AMT  15:01 GMT
"No one expects miracles and we were pragmatic enough not to think that all problems would be solved overnight," Minister Nalbandian said.
Turkish, Armenian directors to shoot documentary

Turkish, Armenian directors to shoot documentary

December 5, 2008 - 15:22 AMT  15:01 GMT
The project for the documentary, titled Araks, after the river that runs along the Turkish-Armenian border, is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Ankara.
Nalbandian: Azerbaijan misinterprets all provisions of Moscow Declaration

Nalbandian: Azerbaijan misinterprets all provisions of Moscow Declaration

December 5, 2008 - 14:54 AMT  15:01 GMT
"The negotiations on Nagorno Karabakh settlement received a new impetus at the Moscow meeting initiated by President of the Russian Federation," the RA Foreign Minister said.
Karabakh resolution should embrace interests of all sides, with Azerbaijani 'territorial integrity maintained'

Karabakh resolution should embrace interests of all sides, with Azerbaijani 'territorial integrity maintained'

December 5, 2008 - 14:26 AMT  15:01 GMT
"The Moscow declaration is a good basis for resolution of the conflict. But a resolution on ceasefire is not enough," the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister said.
RA FM: arms race can lead to resumption of military conflict

RA FM: arms race can lead to resumption of military conflict

December 5, 2008 - 14:10 AMT  15:01 GMT
"Regrettably, Azerbaijan's massive military build-up conducted in violation of its international obligations has not received an adequate reaction from the majority of the state parties of the Convention," Minister Nalbandian said.