AAA released a statement on Nagorno Karabakh conflict

AAA released a statement on Nagorno Karabakh conflict

July 23, 2009 - 02:55 AMT  07:14 GMT
Armenian Assembly of America : "We urge the Minsk Group Co-Chairs to ensure that the government of Nagorno Karabakh joins the negotiation process as soon as possible"
LA to host photo exhibition displaying everyday life of Javakhk Armenians

LA to host photo exhibition displaying everyday life of Javakhk Armenians

July 22, 2009 - 23:21 AMT  07:14 GMT
The professional photos that will be displayed depict an Armenian reality in Javakhk and provide a deeper look into the everyday lives of the people, their tradition, labor, courage, religion and love.
Hillary Clinton: we will still hold the door open for talks with Iran

Hillary Clinton: we will still hold the door open for talks with Iran

July 22, 2009 - 22:48 AMT  07:14 GMT
"I was simply pointing out that Iran needs to understand that its pursuit of nuclear weapons will not advance its security or achieve its goals of enhancing its power both regionally and globally," U.S. Secretary of State said.
Fassier rules out possibility of Turkey's mediation in Karabakh process

Fassier rules out possibility of Turkey's mediation in Karabakh process

July 22, 2009 - 22:32 AMT  07:14 GMT
With each passing year, the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute is becoming more difficult, OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair says.
US organizes Armenian-Turkish youth camp in Turkey

US organizes Armenian-Turkish youth camp in Turkey

July 22, 2009 - 22:22 AMT  07:14 GMT
By the assistance of US Embassy in Turkey, students from Turkey, Armenia and US gathered in Chanakkale's summer camp.
Relatives of Tu-154 plane crash victims organized protest rally in Tehran

Relatives of Tu-154 plane crash victims organized protest rally in Tehran

July 22, 2009 - 21:05 AMT  07:14 GMT
Protesters demanded that Caspian Airlines specify causes of liner crash which killed 168 people.
Armenians and Azeri incapable of peaceful coexistence in NKR

Armenians and Azeri incapable of peaceful coexistence in NKR

July 22, 2009 - 20:48 AMT  07:14 GMT
Vardan Khachatryan: Cultural differences of nations, belonging to different civilizations, lead to differences, which almost always develop into conflicts.
Nationalistic mood always prevailed in Turkey

Nationalistic mood always prevailed in Turkey

July 22, 2009 - 20:33 AMT  07:14 GMT
Ruben Melkonyan: It's hard to discuss Armenian-Turkish rapprochement with nationalistic moods prevalent.
Syrian President to cover education costs of Armenian girl

Syrian President to cover education costs of Armenian girl

July 22, 2009 - 20:21 AMT  07:14 GMT
The child brought up in charity asylum will further her education in France.
Noragavit new Armbusinessbank subsidiary registered

Noragavit new Armbusinessbank subsidiary registered

July 22, 2009 - 20:16 AMT  07:14 GMT
Noragavit new subsidiary was registered in accordance with CBA Chairman's resolution.