Gia Ghazanchian: Athinaikos much stronger than us now

Gia Ghazanchian: Athinaikos much stronger than us now

December 4, 2009 - 11:32 AMT  09:14 GMT
Hatis Yerevan coach doesn't lose hope for success.
ASHIB lowers CONTACT transfer tariff

ASHIB lowers CONTACT transfer tariff

December 4, 2009 - 10:56 AMT  09:14 GMT
Nerses Karamanukyan: it will be a new year surprise for our clients.

Davutoglu arrives in Athens to bargain for Azerbaijan

December 1, 2009 - 22:23 AMT  09:14 GMT
Regular summit of the OSCE Ministerial Council can be considered a milestone in several respects. First, for the first time the OSCE chairmanship passes to Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country, which in view of its significance can be considered a European country too, as in current geopolitical realities the geographical concepts are replaced by energy, transport and strategic ones. So, the choice of Kazakhstan as the OSCE chairman is justified. Moreover, the huge hydrocarbon reserves of the country make it almost priceless for Europe, which with all its might is eager to get rid of the Russian monopoly on gas.

Armenia will not allow any violation against NKR

November 28, 2009 - 21:33 AMT  09:14 GMT
Throughout the past week the focus of the Armenian community was on the issues of the Karabakh conflict settlement, and the Munich meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. A little less as compared with the previous week, was touched upon the ratification of Armenian-Turkish Protocols. A significant event of the week was also the 12th congress of the Republican Party of Armenia.

Promising rates for reducing economic downfall and Armenia's participation in CIS leaders' session

November 21, 2009 - 13:09 AMT  09:14 GMT
Over the past 10 months, Armenia fixed a 17.5% economic downfall compared to the same period of last year. According to the official data of RA National Statistic Service, GDP in January-February comprised AMD 2466,3 billion. This is a very promising rate which leads local and foreign experts to the assumption that 2009 economic downfall will make up 15%.

Robert Sahakyants: I do what I love, it has never been otherwise

September 25, 2009 - 00:24 AMT  09:14 GMT
A couple of years ago I had a chance of an interview with Robert Sahakyants and one could not assume at that time that he would leave the world so soon. We all knew he was ill, but no one suspected how serious the illness was. He was one of those without whom, in his opinion, everything would sink in sweet syrup. All that you'll read further are his direct words, as we thought no one could speak of Robert Sahakyants and the world surrounding him better than he himself. For some reason he always spoke Russian, although he knew his native language perfectly well. Call it freak of a genius if you like, but now that he is gone words, however beautiful they might be, are needless.

How soon will Armenian Internet users have access to the benefits of global IT-accomplishments?

August 13, 2009 - 23:05 AMT  09:14 GMT
For the past month the focus of Internet-users and IT specialists around the world has been on three main events, namely the completion of the new operating system Windows 7 - the product of Microsoft Corporation, the release of the fast browser Chrome by Google and the work on our own operating system (OS).

Armenia celebrates the Holy Resurrection

April 11, 2009 - 21:39 AMT  09:14 GMT
On April 11, the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) begins to celebrate the Easter, one of the six patronal festivals. From sunset till late night all the churches of the Armenian Apostolic Church serve Liturgy that marks the end of Lent and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration of the dead and resurrected god dates back to the ancient Egyptian religion, when the Egyptians celebrated the death and resurrection of God Osiris. Present Christian Easter takes its origin from the Old Testament. The old Jews celebrated the Passover (Pesach) as the holiday of exodus of Jews from Egypt.