Phobos-Grunt voyager debris likely to scatter in Gobi Desert

Phobos-Grunt voyager debris likely to scatter in Gobi Desert

January 15, 2012 - 17:48 AMT  18:56 GMT
A Russian probe designed to travel to a moon of Mars but stuck in Earth orbit will come crashing down within hours.

Iran warns Gulf Arabs against boosting oil production

January 15, 2012 - 17:33 AMT  18:56 GMT
Iran's OPEC governor: attempts by Gulf nations to replace Iran's output with their own will make them an accomplice in further events.
Russian ship suspected of delivering munitions to Syria

Russian ship suspected of delivering munitions to Syria

January 15, 2012 - 17:15 AMT  18:56 GMT
Cyprus customs officials inspecting the vessel found that it was carrying "dangerous cargo" inside four containers.
Syria's President grants another amnesty amid unrest

Syria's President grants another amnesty amid unrest

January 15, 2012 - 16:38 AMT  18:56 GMT
Tens of thousands of people across Syria continue to take to the streets calling for an end to the Assad regime.
UN chief slams Israel’s occupation policy

UN chief slams Israel’s occupation policy

January 15, 2012 - 16:26 AMT  18:56 GMT
Ban Ki-moon: Israeli occupation of Arab and Palestinian territories must end and so must violence against civilians.
France to host rally in support of Genocide bill Jan 23

France to host rally in support of Genocide bill Jan 23

January 15, 2012 - 16:03 AMT  12:03 GMT
The bill criminalizing public denial of the Armenian Genocide will be debated at French Senate on January 23.
Arthur Abraham wins WBO European super middleweight title

Arthur Abraham wins WBO European super middleweight title

January 15, 2012 - 15:54 AMT  18:56 GMT
“I will start the year with a victory and also end the year with a victory,” Armenian boxer Arthur Abraham said.

Question on “Armenian atrocities” removed from exam list in Turkey

January 15, 2012 - 15:45 AMT  18:56 GMT
Earlier, Bakırköy district’s national education department issued a list of exam questions containing those on “Armenian atrocities.”
Armenian filmmaker named candidate for Russian Minister of Culture

Armenian filmmaker named candidate for Russian Minister of Culture

January 15, 2012 - 15:13 AMT  18:56 GMT
With current Minister Alexander Avdeev, announcing his intention to retire, no official information is provided as to his successor.