Majority of Croats vote for joining EU

Majority of Croats vote for joining EU

January 22, 2012 - 23:27 AMT  19:27 GMT
About 42 percent of eligible voters took part in the referendum, illustrating voters' apathy toward the 27-nation bloc.

Prof. Charny: A moral Israel must recognize the Armenian Genocide

January 22, 2012 - 23:16 AMT  15:32 GMT
The facts are well known: the Turkish government executed the Armenian genocide – in which 1.5 million Armenians were murdered.
Slovak violist interrupted by Nokia ringtone, performs the tune

Slovak violist interrupted by Nokia ringtone, performs the tune

January 22, 2012 - 22:33 AMT  15:32 GMT
In the case of the Philharmonic, the marimba was so loud that the conductor, Alan Gilbert, simply downed baton.
Costa Concordia death toll rises to 13

Costa Concordia death toll rises to 13

January 22, 2012 - 21:20 AMT  15:32 GMT
The head of Italy's protection agency, Franco Gabrielli, had said that divers were looking for 20 people officially missing.
Saudi Arabia to withdraw observers from Syria

Saudi Arabia to withdraw observers from Syria

January 22, 2012 - 21:16 AMT  15:32 GMT
"We are calling on the international community to bear its responsibility,” Prince Saud al-Faisal said in Cairo.
Italian PM pushes to double Europe’s bailout fund

Italian PM pushes to double Europe’s bailout fund

January 22, 2012 - 21:10 AMT  15:32 GMT
Monti argued that such a move would reassure markets while driving down borrowing costs for the debt-wracked countries.
Yemeni President to travel to U.S. for treatment

Yemeni President to travel to U.S. for treatment

January 22, 2012 - 21:06 AMT  15:32 GMT
The news comes a day after Yemeni parliament approved a law that gives Ali Abdullah Saleh immunity from prosecution.
U.S. lost 687,000 jobs in high-tech over decade

U.S. lost 687,000 jobs in high-tech over decade

January 22, 2012 - 19:13 AMT  15:32 GMT
NSB stated that there have been "permanent" losses in an ongoing trend that affects the areas of aerospace, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Syrian troops clash with defectors, retreat from Damascus suburb

Syrian troops clash with defectors, retreat from Damascus suburb

January 22, 2012 - 19:04 AMT  15:04 GMT
Government troops pulled back to a provincial headquarters and security agency building in Damascus suburb of Douma.
100000 rally in Budapest to support PM

100000 rally in Budapest to support PM

January 22, 2012 - 18:50 AMT  15:32 GMT
Prime Minister Viktor Orban is under fire over controversial media reforms, with EU criticizing Hungary's new laws.