Whitney Houston's legacy remembered at Grammy party

Whitney Houston's legacy remembered at Grammy party

February 12, 2012 - 15:30 AMT  11:30 GMT
Recording industry's celebrities were stunned by the death of the biggest female recording stars of all time.
No illegal drugs found, Houston may have drowned in bathtub

No illegal drugs found, Houston may have drowned in bathtub

February 12, 2012 - 14:04 AMT  15:43 GMT
Police officers who searched the room found different pill bottles but there was no evidence that the singer was drinking alcohol.
Legendary Whitney Houston found dead

Legendary Whitney Houston found dead

February 12, 2012 - 10:35 AMT  15:43 GMT
Police Lt. Mark Rosen said there were "no obvious signs of criminal intent" and that the cause of her death is being investigated.