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Iranian commander says U.S. radars in Turkey will cause severe birth defects

Iranian commander says U.S. radars in Turkey will cause severe birth defects

April 28, 2012 - 20:14 AMT  16:14 GMT
“In the not too distant future, the people in Turkey will witness the births of children with congenital malformation,” Hajizadeh said.
Sudan rejects UN Security Council involvement in dispute with South

Sudan rejects UN Security Council involvement in dispute with South

April 28, 2012 - 19:09 AMT  15:09 GMT
The African Union itself asked the Security Council to endorse its demand that the two Sudans halt hostilities in 48 hours.
Ragip Zarakolu to receive International Freedom to Publish Award

Ragip Zarakolu to receive International Freedom to Publish Award

April 28, 2012 - 18:45 AMT  14:45 GMT
“I was arrested with no reason given and after five months, I was released with no reason given,” the publisher said.
Biden praises Turkish, Azeri donors at Obama fundraiser in Washington

Biden praises Turkish, Azeri donors at Obama fundraiser in Washington

April 28, 2012 - 18:35 AMT  14:35 GMT
Tickets for the event cost $2,500 a piece and went to the Democratic National Committee and Obama’s reelection campaign.
Israeli former intelligence chief slams leadership stance on Iran

Israeli former intelligence chief slams leadership stance on Iran

April 28, 2012 - 18:11 AMT  14:11 GMT
The comment follows remarks by other leading figures contradicting the prime minister and defense chief's views on the subject.
Syrian paper accuses UN chief of encouraging

Syrian paper accuses UN chief of encouraging "terrorists"

April 28, 2012 - 18:02 AMT  14:02 GMT
Tishrin said Ban has avoided discussing rebel violence in favor of "outrageous" statements against the Syrian government.
German Chancellor backs strong European Investment Bank

German Chancellor backs strong European Investment Bank

April 28, 2012 - 17:34 AMT  13:34 GMT
Merkel’s comments are part of a new German emphasis on growth-boosting measures to complement painful tax hikes.
Ombudsman guarantees anonymity of citizens having addressed him

Ombudsman guarantees anonymity of citizens having addressed him

April 28, 2012 - 17:34 AMT  13:34 GMT
Karen Andreasyan: atmosphere of fear and distrust for the state institutions discourages people from turning to the Ombudsman.
Expert deems Tavush shelling climax of Azeri aggressiveness

Expert deems Tavush shelling climax of Azeri aggressiveness

April 28, 2012 - 17:33 AMT  13:33 GMT
Narek Galstyan linked Azerbaijani armed forces’ activity with a chain of events, starting from insults addressed to Armenians.
Nokia Lumia 610 officially launched, Philippines first to get

Nokia Lumia 610 officially launched, Philippines first to get

April 28, 2012 - 17:30 AMT  13:30 GMT
Lumia 610 should be on sale worldwide by the end of June, although there's no specific date on availability in the U.S.