Takata pleads guilty but judge puts company out of business

Takata pleads guilty but judge puts company out of business

February 28, 2017 - 15:00 AMT  11:00 GMT
The judge says "destruction of the corporation would probably be a fair outcome." But he noted that it wouldn't help people who were hurt.
Humans behind most wildfires in U.S. - study

Humans behind most wildfires in U.S. - study

February 28, 2017 - 14:33 AMT  10:33 GMT
Researchers found that humans caused 84% -- or four out of five -- of the total 1.5 million wildfires studied between 1992 and 2012.
ANI launches Turkish-language site on Armenian Genocide

ANI launches Turkish-language site on Armenian Genocide

February 28, 2017 - 14:19 AMT  10:19 GMT
The new site features the ANI map keyed in Turkish, and links to other popular features, such as its digital exhibits and online museum.
Amazon reportedly teaching Alexa to distinguish voices

Amazon reportedly teaching Alexa to distinguish voices

February 28, 2017 - 13:54 AMT  09:54 GMT
The feature would match the person speaking to a voice sample, or “voice print,” to verify a person's identity, according to a source.
Roborace reveals its first self-driving racecar

Roborace reveals its first self-driving racecar

February 28, 2017 - 13:40 AMT  09:40 GMT
The cars — the early design of which was revealed one year ago — were designed by Daniel Simon, the man behind the light cycles in Tron: Legacy.
OSCE to monitor Artsakh contact line March 1

OSCE to monitor Artsakh contact line March 1

February 28, 2017 - 13:29 AMT  09:29 GMT
Artsakh authorities have expressed their readiness to assist in conducting the monitoring and ensure the security of the Mission members.
1 billion hours of YouTube watched every day

1 billion hours of YouTube watched every day

February 28, 2017 - 13:11 AMT  09:11 GMT
YouTube's post presents some factoids grappling with that milestone: watching a billion hours yourself would take over 100,000 years.
Lorde teases new music in mysterious ad

Lorde teases new music in mysterious ad (video)

 February 28, 2017 - 13:00 AMT  09:00 GMT
The New Zealand singer has been teasing her new album in recent months, with reports suggesting that the record could be released next month.
UN chief warns against derailing Karabakh peace process

UN chief warns against derailing Karabakh peace process

February 28, 2017 - 12:52 AMT  08:52 GMT
"He calls on all sides to refrain from any actions that would undermine the ceasefire agreement," Stefan Dyuzharrik said.
AI learns to write its own code by stealing from other programs

AI learns to write its own code by stealing from other programs

February 28, 2017 - 12:50 AMT  08:50 GMT
A neural network, called DeepCoder, has learnt how to write programs without a prior knowledge of code.