10  01.06.16 - Refugee children from Talish: About the village, anguish, return, dreams and the war
Karabakh children who fled war

Karabakh children who fled war

Stories about homeland

Children from Talish village of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic now live in Charentsavan, far from their own home. PanARMENIAN.Net met with the refugee families and talked to the kids.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Erik, aged 13

I miss Talish and our house very much. Our friends are here now. I don’t think we will return one day, because they will shoot again. I don’t like being far from home, but I like when no one shoots at my friends. If everything calms down, I would live in Talish. Maybe, there are places which could become our new home, but only in case my family is together. If we are to live in Karabakh, I will definitely choose Talish. When we lived in tallish, I wanted to go in for karate. There is a group here, so my dream will come true.

Why they shoot? They want to seize our lands, but our soldiers stand firmly.

Alex, aged 9

Although feel good and safe here, I miss Talish and wish to return one day. My dad promised to take me there. When we lived in Talish, I dreamt to become a boxer. Here, in Charentsavan, my mom says I will take up painting, music, football and box. Maybe I will manage it all.

Yura, aged 14 (has been living in Charentsavan for 4 years)

When I learned hat’s going in the village I got scared and only calmed down when my relatives arrived. It’s hard for them to get accustomed to new conditions and it’s a pity we can’t go back now. I woud like to go there from time to time but not stay there all the time. Well, don’t write about my dreams (laughing).

I am playing football for Adana team. I am forward. I would be great to become a professional football player.

I haven’t seen war. There wasn’t much shooting when we lived there. They want more territories and maybe want to exterminate Armenians.

I think Azerbaijani children play football as well. I would like to have a match with them, talk and hear about their problems. There will be no peace… I want peace but it can’t be reached through persuading. They want our lands and we wouldn’t surrender.

Ruzanna, aged 9

I want to go back to see my village, my house and my friends. I want to see them again. When we lived in Talish, I wanted to study well to become a philanthropist and repair our school. It’s all ok here. Now I want to become a doctor and help people. I have already made friends with some girls at school. War is a place where enemies fight. I don’t know why they are our enemies… Maybe it’s because they envy us. Our villages are beautiful and theirs aren’t. Our people are kind, they defend themselves.

Milena, aged 4

I wish to become a nanny in a kindergarten. I remember our kindergarten and I miss our nanny Gohar. I also miss Vahram, Mane and others. I want to attend a kindergarten here too. I usually play in the yard with my brother.

Marianna, aged 13

I don’t feel people are different here. There two of our classmates here and we communicate. I miss the people in Talish, our home, our nature and school. I miss everything. It’s all right here and no one is shooting. I got used to shootings and would like to go back even if it continues there. However, I don’t think it’s possible.

I would like to become a … (her sister Ruzanna prompts: sniper, or, no, a police officer). Yes, a police officer to arrest criminals. War is senseless.

Diana, Edik, Ruzanna and Syuzanna (twins)

I want to be protected and become a sniper. I like weapons and want to defend our people. I saw a weapon at school but didn’t try to shoot, although I would like to learn. I will ask my dad to teach me. He is a volunteer and defends out village.

I miss my friends and don’t know where they are now. Maybe we will find each other one day in Talish.

Edik, aged 10

I want to become a wrestler. I have been already training for a month and wish to become a champion one day. My coach says I will succeed. I also like karate.

Ruzanna and Syuzanna, twins aged 8

(Syuzanna) I remember our home and yard every day. We play here too, but it was better in Talish. I want to become a doctor.

(Ruzanna) I wish to become a singer.

People are new here. I like the school and the teachers but there are no friends from my school in Talish. Fruits are tasty here but everything is more delicious is Talish.

Lusine Dallakyan / PanARMENIAN.Net
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